Orientation Activities Student Ameninities Section - CUHK


Joint Committee on New Student Orientation

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Joint Committee on New Student Orientation (JCNSO) is a standing committee. Professor LEE Wing-yan, Vivian, appointed by Vice-Chancellor, serves as the Chairperson of the committee. Office of Student Affairs is the secretariat of the committee. The committee coordinates with around 50 orientation organizing committees and provides students with guidance and support to organise fruitful and meaningful student-led orientation activities every year. The staff members include representatives from Colleges, Office of Student Affairs, Registration and Examinations Section, Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, etc.; the student members represent their Organizing Committees of College Orientations or Faculty / Departmental Orientations. Besides, non-local student representatives are invited to attend the meetings and discuss the orientation activities.


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Six functions
1. To coordinate the student-led activities of Faculty / Departmental orientations and College orientations, including logistics of orientation recruitment, on-campus transportation, meal arrangement and allocation of campus facilities ;
2. To collect and comment the themes and brief rundowns of the student-led orientation events and provide appropriate supports;
3. To collaborate with Faculty/ Departmental and College to provide comprehensive guidance to student organisers;
4. To provide appropriate trainings for student leaders to organize orientation activities;
5. To form a working group for handling complaints (if necessary);
6. To submit a report of the student-led activities of Faculty/Departmental orientations and College orientations to the Vice-Chancellor and President.


Below student-led orientation activities would be held in August 2022.

1. Faculty/ Departmental Orientation (Small O)
“Small O” refers to the Faculty/ Departmental Orientation. In order to let new students understand their study programme and meet new friends, some related activities include virtual, face-to-face on-campus indoor and outdoor ice-breaking games, teachers and students’ sharing sessions about academic programmes and university life, and campus tours, etc.

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2. College Orientation Week (Big O)
“Big O” is an important event of the unique College system at CUHK. Activities are all well-designed by College Organizing Committees. In order to let new students from different cultural backgrounds be familiar with their own college and build up the sense of belonging, student oganisers arrange unique and fabulous games and activities during the College Orientation Week. In addition to the above activities, non-local student associations also assist new incoming students to adjust their life in Hong Kong and adapt to university life via various interesting activities during College Orientation Week which they shall be able to make more friends.


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How can I join the student-led orientation 2022?

Step 1

Read the information of the orientation activities. The orientation dates, brief rundown and fee are listed.



Details of Faculty/ Departmental Orientation

Application period: 4 July 2022 (Monday) Time: 09:00to 14 August 2022 (Sunday)Time: 23:59

Remarks: no Student-led Engineering Orientation this year.

Details of College Orientation Week

Application period: 4 July 2022 (Monday)Time: 09:00to 23 August 2022 (Tuesday)Time: 23:59


Step 2


Submit online application via Orientation Registration System 2022

Please read the regulations listed in the system carefully.

Orientation Registration System 2022


New mainland students (gaokao) who would like to join Faculty/ Department Orientation.


a. If you are a BA new student, please note that there is only 1 student-led Business Administration Orientation. Even though you haven’t known your major programme yet, you can still enrol the orientation. 


b. If you are a Science new student, please note that there are 2 student-led Science Orientation (Science Orientation and Natural Sciences Orientation). New students who admitted to Faculty of Science (Broad-based Admission) can join the Science Orientation. 


c. There is no Student-led Engineering Orientation this year. 


d. If you have any enquiry, please write to JCNSO Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Step 3


Read the JCNSO guidelines to know more about the orientation guidelines before the activity day.


JCNSO guidelines in organizing student-led orientation activities


How can I enter CUHK to join the student-led orientation 2022?

Before Orientation

Step 1 - Applying temporary campus access QR Code for Orientation Activities 2022 (if I haven’t received my CU Link Card)

After submitting your online registration for student-led orientation 2022, you will receive a confirmation email. There is a weblink of applying temporary campus access QR Code for Orientation Activities 2022. Please click the weblink and apply for the QR Code.


Within 12 hours before event day

Step 2 - All participants including student organisers and freshmen SHOULD do the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) at home within 12 hours before the event day (7:00pm a day before the event – 7:00am on event day).Participants who do not submit RAT result are not allowed to participate in the orientation activities.


Please take a photo of your RAT result and upload to RAT system

The sample is shown below.


On the event day

Step 3 - Showing temporary campus access QR Code for Orientation Activities 2022

QR Code Entry Location

Exit A, University Station

If you arrive at other CUHK entries (e.g. Exit D, University Station, Main Entry from Tai Po Road), security staff will ask you to present HKID for verification of identity if necessary.


Step 4 – showing your vaccine pass

All participants of the student-led orientation activities should fulfil the requirement of vaccine pass.



How to show your vaccine pass at check-in counter?
1. Please use the latest version of the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile application for storing the electronic vaccination record, Medical Exemption Certificate, recovery record and provisional vaccine pass at the same time and preset one of them as the default Vaccine Pass.
2. Please show the Vaccine Pass to the premises’ QR Code Verification Scanner devices for checking and recording.

If my RAT result is positive, what can I do?

PLEASE DO NOT JOIN THE ACTIVITIES. Inform student organsiers at once and report your case to JCNSO via below link.


If you are at home, please do not go back to the University.


If you are in hostel, please report your case to hostel administrative staff and follow the steps provided by the hostel.


Please follow HKSAR advice.

Secretariat, Joint Committee on New Student Orientation
3943 7203
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
