Intervarsity Programmes Student Ameninities Section - CUHK

To expose students to a wider range of learning experiences and enhance their personal development, various university-wide student activities, awards and training programmes are promoted and coordinated every year.


Major programmes

  • AIA Foundation Young Leaders Development Programme
  • Cultural Tour for the Youth of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau
  • Experiential Trip of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office
  • HKSAA Outstanding Service Awards for Tertiary Students
  • Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme
  • ICAC Ambassador Programme
  • International Youth Exchange Programme
  • Providence Foundation Outward Bound Undergraduate Programme
  • Visit to the Commissioner’s Office of China’s Foreign Ministry in HKSAR
  • Visit to PLA Barrack
  • Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Project
  • Summer Camp of the Fujian Association for Science and Technology
  • SYSU Leadership Training Programme
  • UNV-Hong Kong Universities Volunteer Programme for Undergraduates


