Student Societies and Clubs’ Affiliation to the University Student Ameninities Section - CUHK

4 simple steps of “Student Societies and Interest Clubs' Affiliation” – existing societies

Step 1 – Indicating preference

Please write an email to us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to indicate that your society would affiliate with the University.

Step 2 - Updating the information of office bearers and constitution of the student society 2021 (optional)

We would like to collect the information including the constitution, list of office bearers, etc of the student society 2021. If you are the President of 2021 cabinet, please submit the required information via this link. For 2022 successful elected cabinet, the information can be updated in step 4, instead of step 2.

Warm reminder

If you are the President of 2022 cabinet, you may skip step 2.

Step 3 - Amendment / Revision of Constitution (AOC)

Regarding the amendment of your constitution, the wordings / sentences about CUSU should be removed. You or your successor are strongly advised to submit the amendment / revision of Constitution within 1 month after the constitution is updated and confirmed by your members.

Warm reminder

The revised constitution should be confirmed by your members based on the terms of your society constitution.

If you have any difficulty in amending your constitution, please contact us via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as soon as possible.

Step 4 - Updating new office bearers 2022

Please inform us via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) when the above 4 steps are completed. We will start proceeding your application and the affiliation letters will be issued afterward. Please make sure the relevant documents are submitted, otherwise, we are not able to proceed your application.


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Election result

List of office-bearers

