Department of Surgery, CUHK

Professor WONG Hung Leung Randolph    


Cardiothoracic Surgery
(852) 3505 2954
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Dr Randolph Hung-leung WONG received medical training from Medical School of The Chinese University of Hong Kong since 1995. He received Tang Siu Cho Memorial Prize in 1998 and obtained his MBChB (CUHK) in 2000. He undertook higher surgical training in cardiothoracic surgery in Prince of Wales Hospital, Grantham Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital and obtained FRCSEd (CTh) from The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2008. He further obtained Fellow of The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong and Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine in 2009.

Dr Wong’s career interests include complex open aortic surgery including total arch replacement and frozen elephant trunk procedure and open thoracoabdominal aortic surgery, hybrid thoracic aortic intervention, hybrid and minimally invasive cardiovascular procedures. He is the convener of Hybrid Operating Theatre management committee of Prince of Wales Hospital and actively participates in the development of hybrid cardiovascular interventions.

Academically, Dr Wong’s research interests are the techniques in improving outcomes of complex aortic procedures, screening for thoracic aortic aneurysm, genetic basis of aortic pathology as well as hybrid endovascular intervention for cardiovascular diseases. He contributed over 140 publications in peer-reviewed journals including Circulation, JACC, CHEST, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 7 book chapters and more than 110 invited talks. He is now review editor of Frontier in Cardiovascular Medicine (IF 6.06). He has been regular reviewer of CHEST, HEART, Journal of Cardiac Surgery, Journal of Thoracic Disease, European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery.

Currently, Dr Wong is the Professor and Chief of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also the Cluster Service Team Head of the New Territories East Cluster and Ex-Chairman of the Specialty Group of Cardiothoracic Surgery of Hospital Authority. He is the Secretary of Cardiothoracic Surgery Board of Hong Kong and a Fellow of American College of Chest Physician, European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Society and member of American Heart Association, Society of Thoracic Surgeons, International Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, and Asian Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery.


Research Interests

  • Total Arch Replacement and Frozen Elephant Trunk procedure: APAC post-marketing registry for Evita-Open Neo ( no.: NCT04986709) (CREC-2021-236)
  • Long term results of hybrid TEVAR
  • Outcomes of open thoracoabdominal aortic surgery
  • Pocket Mobile Echo screening for thoracic aortic aneurysm (HMRF no. 13140631)
  • Impact of statin on long term results of coronary artery bypass grafting ( no.: NCT05393882) (CREC-2022.134)
  • Radiogenomics and polygenic risk scoring for Genetic-linked Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection (CREC-2022.083)
  • Development of Intelligent Adaptive Learning Analytics Virtual Reality systems for Cardiothoracic Surgery Training (UGC/IDS©14/E01/22)
  • Alternative accesses Transcatheter Valve Implantation

Additional Information

  • Course Development Committee for Professional Certificate/Diploma Course for Cardiothoracic Nursing, jointly organised by the Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Continuous Study, and Department of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital 2011-2012, 2012-2013
  • Course Development Committee for Professional Diploma Course for Cardiovascular Perfusion Technology, jointly organised by the Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Continuous Study, and Department of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital 2012-2013, 2016-17
  • Founding Member of Hybrid Theatre Management Committee, PWH 2012
  • Organizing Board of 9th Asian Cardiothoracic Surgery Specialty Update Course 2014
  • Program Director of The Aortic arch: Hybrid and elephant Trunk Techniques: A Hands-On Wet Lab, 6 April 2017.
  • Aortic Asia, Hong Kong Local Organizing Committee, 2017, 2020, 2021
  • Member of HKAN membership Program assessment exercise for Hong Kong College of Cardiac Nursing
  • Organizing committee of the First Asia Pacific Advanced Heart Failure Forum, 5 Dec 2017 Hong Kong
  • Team leader, NTEC Aortic Multidisciplinary Team, HA NTEC Outstanding Team award 2018
  • Organizing committee, International Minimally Invasive Surgery Conference, CUHK 2019
  • Co-Director, Echo guided Transseptal Puncture workshop, CUHK and Abbott Jan 2021
  • Program Director, Advance Aortic Valve Intervention, CUHK, Hong Kong 2021
  • Program Director, Pericardial Patch Workshop for Aortic root enlargement and ventricular septal rupture repair, CUHK, MISSC, Hong Kong 2021Organizing committee, Asia Pacific Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery Association Annual Meeting, Hong Kong, 2021
  • Program Director, Advances in Transcatheter Valve Intervention, CUHK, Hong Kong, 2021
  • Program Director, Advances in Aortic Endovascular Intervention, CUHK, Hong Kong 2022
  • Program Director, Open Aortic Surgery: Techniques to secure good outcomes, HA Commissioned Training 2022

Selected Publications

  1. Ma ZJ, Li XS, Fan RL, Yang KY, Ng CS, Lau RW, Wong RH, Ng KK, Wang CC, Ye P, Fu ZL, Chin AW, Lai AM, Huang Y, Tian XY, Poon LL, Lui KO. A human pluripotent stem cell-based model of SARS-CoV-2 infection reveals an ACE2-independent inflammatory activation of vascular endothelial cells through TLR4. Stem Cell Reports. 2022. S2213-6711(22)00059-5. Doi:10.1016/j.stemcr.2022.01.015.
  2. Lai LK, So CY, Chui KL, Kam KK, Kwok KW, Wong RH, Cheng GS, Lam YY, Lee AP. Plug and Clip: Percutaneous Repair of a Perforated Mitral Valve complicating Severe Functional Mitral Regurgitation. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2022 Jan 19:S1936-8798(21)02148-8. Doi:10.1016/j.icin.2021.12.009.
  3. Lim K, Ho YK, Chow SCY, Fujikawa T, Lee AP, Wong RH. Peri-procedural Trans-esophageal Echocardiographic sizing of the native let ventricular outflow tract during Edwards INTUITY valve implantation. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021 Jul 15;8:690752. Doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2021.690752
  4. Ho JY, Bashir M, Jakob H, Wong RH. Management of left subclavian artery in total arch replacement and frozen elephant trunk procedure. JTCVS Techniques 2021 Mar 29;7:36-40. Doi: 10.1016/j.xjtc.2021.03.020.
  5. Lim K, Chow SC, Ho JY, Wan S, Underwood M, Wong RH. Hepatorenal Dysfunction predicts operative mortality after triple valve surgery: Utility of MELD-Na. J Card Surg 2021. 16. Doi:10.1111/jocs.15745
  6. Ho JY, Bashir M, Heinz J, Wong RH. Launching the Evita Open Neo amid COVID-Challenges and Strategies. J Card Surg. 2021Mar;36(3):793-795
  7. Ho JY, Chow SC, Fujikawa T, Wong RH. Total aortic arch replacement and frozen elephant trunk. Sem Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Nov 2020.
  8. Wong RH, Ho JY, Bashir M, Jakob H. First-in-man implantation of Evita Open Neo in Hong Kong. CTSNet 2020.
  9. Ho JY, Chow SC, Fujikawa T, Wong RH. Surgical ventricular restoration with double patch postinfarction ventricular septal rutpure repair. Int Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2020. Doi. 10.1093/icvts/ivaa181
  10. Wong RH, Yang F, Fujikawa T, Wong MC, Yu SC, Underwood MJ, Lee AP. Pocket-size Mobile Echocardiography screening for thoracic aortic aneurysm in hypertensive patients. Ann Thorac Surg.
  11. Wong RH, Yu SP, Kwok MW, Chow SC, Ho JY, Underwood MJ, Yu SC. Endovascular aortic fenestration for distal sealing after Frozen elephant trunk with Thoraflex. Ann Thorac Surg. 2017 Jun;103(6):e479-e482. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.12.039.
  12. Wong RH, Yu SC, Lau RW, Wan IY, Ng CS, Wan S, Ho AM, Underwood MJ. Delayed Stents Fracture of Djumbodis dissection system. Ann Thorac Surg 2014 Jan;97(1):e17-20. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2013.07.127
  13. Lee AP, Hsiung MC, Salgo IS, Fang F, Xie JM, Zhang YC, Lin QS, Looi JL, Wan S, Wong RH, Underwood MJ, Sun JP, Yin WH, Wei J, Tsai SK, Yu CM. Quantitative Analysis of Mitral Valve Morphology in Mitral Valve Prolapse Using Real-Time Three-Dimensional Echocardiography: Importance of Annular Saddle-shape in Pathogenesis of Mitral Regurgitation. Circulation 2013;127(7):832-41
  14. Wong RH, Ng CS, Underwood MJ. Endoscopic Vein Harvesting: Importance of patient selection. Heart 2012;98:12:959
  15. Wong RH, Lee TW, Sihoe AD, Wan IY, Ng CS, Chan SK, Wong WL, Liang YM, Yim AP. Analgesic effect of Electro-acupuncture in post-thoractomy pain: A prospective randomized trial. Ann Thorac Surg. 2006 Jun; 81(6): 2031-2036

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