Physical Education Unit - Required and Elective Physical Education Programmes

Required Physical Education Programme

All full-time year 1 undergraduates must take one required Physical Education course (1 unit) in each semester during their first year of attendance, except for Sports Science and Physical Education Majors. For second-year entrants, one required Physical Education course should be taken in either the first or the second semester. The basis of assessment for each course will be students' achievement in basic skills, learning attitude and attendance. Courses offered include: track and field, swimming, physical conditioning, basketball, volleyball, soccer, team handball, softball, squash, tennis, badminton, table-tennis etc..

Students who have health problems may take a special class which designed to meet their needs.


Elective Physical Education Programme

Students who are interested in sports and keen to acquire more skills can participate in physical education elective courses on tennis, badminton, table-tennis, squash, archery, yoga and tai chi etc.. All elective courses are 1-unit term courses.


Aim of the programmes

Required and elective Physical Education programmes aim at fostering the whole-person development of students. Hence, our programmes make great effort and take an active role in teaching students about the importance of sports participation and arousing their interest towards sports, so that they can ultimately cultivate a lifelong habit of participating in physical activities. Through taking part in different sports activities, students can strengthen their generic skills and develop positive psychological traits, which enable them to become physically, mentally and socially fit to confront difficulties in the challenging workplace in the future.


Objectives of the programmes

  • To equip student with basic skills of the selected sports.
  • To motivate student to participate in physical activities.
  • To have positive contributions to student’s physical fitness condition.
  • To help student realise the benefits of exercise.
  • To help student understand the significance of fair play and sportsmanship.
  • To enhance student’s generic skills (e.g. communication, teamwork and self management).