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The 17 deadly CINs - A pan-cancer compendium of chromosomal instability
Chromosomal instability (CIN) results in the accumulation of large-scale losses, gains and rearrangements of DNA. The broad genomic complexity caused by CIN is a hallmark of cancer; however, there is no systematic framework to measure different types of CIN and their effect on clinical phenotypes pan-cancer. Here we develop a computational framework to evaluate the extent, diversity and origin of CIN across 7,880 tumours representing 33 cancer types. We present a compendium of 17 copy number signatures that characterize specific types of CIN, with putative aetiologies supported by multiple independent data sources. The signatures predict drug response and identify new drug targets. Our framework refines the understanding of impaired homologous recombination, which is one of the most therapeutically targetable types of CIN. Our results illuminate a fundamental structure underlying genomic complexity in human cancers and provide a resource to guide future CIN research.

Oct 7, 2022 05:00 PM in Hong Kong SAR

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Prof. Florian Markowetz
@The University of Cambridge and Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Cambridge Institute
Florian Markowetz is Professor of Computational Oncology at the University of Cambridge and Senior Group Leader at the Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Cambridge Institute. He is a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award holder and received a CRUK Future Leader in Cancer Research prize. He holds degrees in Mathematics (Dipl. math.) and Philosophy (M.A.) from the University of Heidelberg and a Dr. rer. nat. (PhD equivalent) in Computational Biology from Free University Berlin, for which he was awarded an Otto-Hahn Medal by the Max Planck Society. His group at the CRUK Cambridge Institute combines computational work on cancer evolution and image analysis of the tumour tissue with experimental work on understanding key cancer mechanisms like the estrogen receptor.