Dr. CHEN Zhaoyun
of Space and Earth Information Science
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong
Email: chenzhaoyun@xmu.edu.cn
Education |
Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, Xiamen University & University of Delaware |
2010 |
M. S. in Environmental Science, Xiamen University |
B.Eng. in Environmental Science, Wuhan University of Technology |
held |
2014 |
Post-doctoral Fellow, Institute of Space and
Earth Information Science, CUHK.
Research Interests |
- Coastal upwelling and dynamics study using in-situ data, remote sensing, analytic and numerical models
- Kuroshio study using data analysis and numerical modelling |
Research Projects |
Numerical model study on the hydrodynamic effects of the Jixing sea wall opening
- Numerical model study on the hydrodynamic effects of the Dadeng Island land reclamation
- Environmental quality assessment and environmental capacity study in Xiamen Bay
- Diagnostic analysis on the upwelling system in the South China Sea
Selected Publication |
- Chen, Z.Y., Z.C. Zhang, Y.W. Jiang, J. Wan, Y. Qiu, 2009. Seasonal variation of Kuroshio at Luzon Strait studied with argos and numerical model. Journal of Xiamen University, 48, 719–724 (In Chinese with English Abstract)
- Chen, Z.Y., X.-H. Yan, Y.-H. Jo, L.D. Jiang, Y.W. Jiang, 2012. A study of Benguela upwelling system using different upwelling indices derived from remotely sensed data. Continental Shelf Research, 45, 27–33
- Chen, Z.Y., X.-H. Yan, Y.W. Jiang, L.D. Jiang, Y.-H. Jo, 2013. A study of cross-shore maximum upwelling intensity along the Northwest Africa coast. Journal of Oceanography, 69, 443–450
- Chen, Z.Y., X.-H. Yan, Y.W. Jiang, L.D. Jiang, 2013. Roles of shelf slope and wind on upwelling: a case study off east and west coasts of the U.S. Ocean Modelling, 69,136–145
- Liao, E.H., Y.W. Jiang, X.-H. Yan, Z.Y. Chen, J. Wang, L.P. Zhang, 2013. Allocation of marine environmental carrying capacity in the Xiamen Bay. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 75, 21–27
- Chen, Z.Y., X.-H. Yan, Y.W. Jiang, Coastal cape and canyon effects on wind-driven upwelling in northern Taiwan Strait, (Journal of Geophysical Research in Minor revision)
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