Evaluation Technology and Demonstrative Platform for Cross-boundary Air Pollution in the Pearl River Delta Region

Principal Investigator: Prof. Lin Hui

Start Date: 2012/10/15
End Date: 2014/10/14
Type of Grant: Innnovation & Technology Fund

This project aims to develop a computerized platform for air quality evaluation for Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration and facilitate the knowledge sharing and collaboration in air pollution monitoring and management among cities. The products will contribute to air pollution control and environmental sustainability in the PRD region.

This project will build a collaborative virtual geographic environment (CVGE) platform, establish the list of emission pollutant in this region, achieve an effective integration of multi-source data and models, and design high-performance algorithms for 3D spatial-temporal representation and visualization of air pollutant in urban agglomeration. The integrated system of CVGE with numerical meteorological and air pollution modeling will enable cross-boundary evaluation and high-resolution prediction of air pollution for the PRD region.

Implementation of the project will not only strengthen the collaboration among the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in air quality monitoring, but also enhance the capability of integrated coping with air pollution with low cost.