Prof. ZHANG Hongsheng
Institute of Space and Earth Information Science
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong




Ph.D. in Earth System and Geoinformation Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


M.Eng. in Computer Applications Technology, South China Normal University


B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology, South China Normal University


Position held


Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, CUHK


Research Associate, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, CUHK


Intern, The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), United Nations


Teaching Assistant, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, CUHK


Software Engineer, EASTONE Co. Ltd. (Stock Symbol: 300310)



Research Interests

- Urban Remote Sensing
- Remote Sensing of Environment and Natural Disasters
- Multi-sensor Image Fusion
- Image Processing and Pattern Recognition




Postgraduate Research Output Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Lion Dr. Francis K Pan Scholarship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


1st Prize, Yuen-Yuen Scholarship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Best Student Paper Award in the 19th International Conference GeoInformatics


Silver Award, Chinese Entrepreneurship Plan Competition for University Students (Provincial Level)


2nd Prize, “Challenge Cup” National Competition, China


Guangdong Excellent Postgraduate, Guangdong, China


Best Speaker Award in the 29th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing


Honorable Mention Award in the ACM Asia Programming Contest


3rd Prize, Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), China (Provincial Level)


National Scholarship, China




Academic advisor, Master of Science in Earth System Science, ISEIS, CUHK


Academic advisor, Master of Science in National Geo-survey and Public Policy, ISEIS, CUHK


Member, Examination panel, Graduate Division of Earth System and GeoInformation Science, CUHK


Member, Graduate panel, Graduate Division of Earth System and GeoInformation Science, CUHK


Session Chair, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2014)


Session, Chair International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications


Invited Lecturer, United Nations Regional Training Workshop on Applications of Space Technology

2011 - 2012

Student Representative, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Reviewer of International Journals
  • Remote Sensing of Environment
  • Journal of Biogeography
  • International Journal of Geographical Information Science
  • Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
  • Journal of Forestry Research
  • Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
  • Remote Sensing
  • IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
  • Frontiers of Earth Science
  • Annals of GIS


Member of international organizations
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE)
  • The International Association of Chinese Professional in Geographic Information Sciences (CPGIS)
  • Hong Kong Society for Remote Sensing (HKSRS)


Research Projects

  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Application of Human Visual Perception on the Multi-scale Analysis of Remotely Sensed Images, 2012-2015, Co-Investigator

  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Oil Spill Monitoring Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images, 2013–2016, Co-Investigator

  • Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF): Developments of Key Technologies and Demonstration Systems for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Water Quality and Quantity Remote Sensing Monitoring, 2012–2014, Co-Investigator

  • Open Research Fund of Chinese Academy of Sciences: Monitoring cyanobacteria blooming in Taihu Lake with microwave remote sensing, 2012–2013, Co-Investigator

  • Shenzhen Research Foundation: Monitoring the urbanization and its environmental impacts using remote sensing techniques, 2013–2014, Co-Investigator

  • CUHK Direct Grant: Imperious surface estimation using multi-satellite data in humid sub-tropic regions, 2012–2014, Co-Investigator


Selected Publication


  • Hongsheng Zhang and Yan Li. A Curve Partition Based Watermarking Algorithm for Vector maps. NO. 200810026405.7 (Chinese patent)



  • Yuanzhi Zhang, Hongsheng Zhang* and Hui Lin. Improving the Impervious Surfaces Estimation with Combined Use of Optical and SAR Remote Sensing Images. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014. vol. 141, pp. 155-167. (IF=5.103)

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yuanzhi Zhang* and Hui Lin. Seasonal Effects of Impervious Surface Estimation in Subtropical Monsoon Regions. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2014, vol. 7(9), pp. 746-760 (IF=1.222)

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Hui Lin*, Yan Li, and Yuanzhi Zhang. Feature Extraction for High-resolution Imagery Based on Human Visual Perception, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013, vol. 34, issue 4, pp. 1146-1163 (IF=1.138)

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yuanzhi Zhang* and Hui Lin. A Comparison Study of Impervious Surfaces Estimation using optical and SAR remote sensing images, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2012, vol. 18, pp. 148-156. (IF=2.176)

  • Yu Li, Yuanzhi Zhang, Jie Chen and Hongsheng Zhang. Improved Compact Polarimetric SAR Quad-Pol Reconstruction Algorithm for Oil Spill Detection. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014, vol. 11(6), pp. 1139-1142 (IF=1.823)

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yuanzhi Zhang* and Hui Lin. Evaluation of the potential of ASAR data to estimate impervious surface area. Annals of GIS, 2012, vol. 18, issue 4, pp. 289-298

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yan Li* and Zhaoping Yin. An approach on Interactive Allocated the Map Symbol System for SVG WebGIS. Science of Surveying and Mapping. 2012, 37(6): 130-132. (in Chinese)

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yan Li* and Yang Cao. A Curve Partition Based Watermarking Algorithm for Vector Graphics. Journal of Image and Graphics. 2009, 14(8):1516-1522. (in Chinese)



  • Gang Li, Hui Lin, Yu Li, Hongsheng Zhang. Monitoring Glacier Flow Rates Dynamic of Geladandong Ice Field by SAR Images Interferometry and Offset Tracking. IGARSS2014. Quebec, Canada, 2014

  • Lanying Yuan, Zhenlu Yu, Zezhong Zheng, Guoqing Zhou, Yalan Liu , Qing Xia, Minfeng Xing and Hongsheng Zhang. Establishment of Rocky Desertification Index in Southwest of China. IGARSS2014. Quebec, Canada, 2014

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Hui Lin, Yu Li and Yuanzhi Zhang. Impervious Surfaces Estimation Using Dual-Polarimetric SAR and Optical Data. IGARSS2014. Quebec, Canada, 2014

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Hui Lin and Yuanzhi Zhang. A Practical Semi-automatic Approach for Optical and SAR Data Co-registration. EORSA2014. Changsha, China, 2014

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yuanzhi Zhang and Hui Lin. Impervious Surface Estimation with Optical and SAR Images. 35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. Beijing, China, 2013

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yuanzhi Zhang and Hui Lin. Urban Land Cover Mapping Using Random Forest Combined with Optical and SAR Data. IGARSS2012. Munich, Germany, 2012

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yuanzhi Zhang and Hui Lin. Compare Different Levels of Fusion between Optical and SAR Data for Impervious Surfaces Estimation. EORSA2012. Shanghai, China, 2012

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yuanzhi Zhang* and Hui Lin. Urban Land Use / Land Cover Classification by Fusing Optical and SAR Remote Sensing Images. Geoinformatics2012, Hong Kong.

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yuanzhi Zhang and Hui Lin. Evaluation of the potential of ASAR data to estimate impervious surface area. Geoinformatics2011. Shanghai, China, 2011 (Best Student Paper Award)

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Hui Lin, Yan Li. Feature Extraction for High Resolution Imageries based on Human Visual Perception. ACRS2010. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010

  • Hongsheng Zhang and Yan Li. Urban information extraction for remote sensing images considering the human cognitive characteristics. 2009 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, Vols. 1-3: 583-587, 2009

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yan Li. Toward a 2D Vector Map with A Feature Nodes Based Watermarking Method. Proc. SPIE 7146, 71461P (2009), DOI:10.1117/12.813153

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Xiaoguang Chen, Yan Li. A research on feature ontology for hyper-spectral remote sensing images. ACRS2009. Beijing, China, 2009

  • Hongsheng Zhang and Yan Li. Shape Adaptive Neighborhood Classification Method for Remote Sensing Image. Proc. SPIE 7285, 72850F (2008), DOI:10.1117/12.815857

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yan Li. A Novel Feature Extraction Approach for Remote Sensing Image Based on the Shape Adaptive Neighborhood. ACRS2008. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2008. (Best Speaker Award)

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yan Li and Guobin Chi. A feature extraction approach for remote sensing images considering the cognitive science. The 2nd Conference on Environmental Remote Sensing of Pearl River Delta. Guangzhou, China. Jun. 2009. (in Chinese)

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yuanzhi Zhang* and Hui Lin. Urban Land Use / Land Cover Classification by Fusing Optical and SAR Remote Sensing Images. The 4th Forum on Environmental Remote Sensing for Pearl River Delta Region. 24, Feb., 2012, Hong Kong (Abstract)

  • Hongsheng Zhang, Yuanzhi ZHANG and Hui Lin. Evaluate the Potential of SAR data in Chlorophyll-a Concentration Estimation. National Symposium on Water Color Remote Sensing of Case-2 Waters. 14 Sep. 2012, Guangzhou (Abstract)


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