1988.第16卷第1期(Vol. 16 No. 1).pp. 118124
On What the School of Education Doesn't Teach but Student-teachers Should Know
劉誠(Sing LAU)
The reality shock of teaching practice often makes student-teachers feel disheartened. It also makes them change their humanistic and student-oriented thinking toward a more conservative direction. In encountering failures, student-teachers are more disillusioned by the gap between ideal and reality, and theory and practice. This paper focuses on two aspects: The reasons causing teaching practice failures, and the reasons leading to the ideal-reality and theory-practice gap. Teaching failures are related to the developmental stage of the teaching process. Failures tend to appear more often in the first stage. In this stage, teachers tend to concern more with satisfying their needs and building their image, and less with students' needs and perspectives of thinking. Several suggestions to reduce failure experiences in teaching and to minimize the negative effects of such experiences are made. The gap between ideal and reality and between theory and practice seems inevitable. This is because the nature and function of ideal and theory are to transcend and to give direction, and not to merge with and get lost in reality. Also, the gap exists because people do not want to make big changes. It is common that people want to make small changes and bring about big effects. Moreover, the existence of the gap is often related to the experience of learning ideal and theory: When learning models are lacking, the gap feeling is stronger. Educators involved with teacher education should take note of and reflect on this. Finally, suggestions to reduce the gap are also made.