2017.第45卷第1期(Vol. 45 No. 1).pp. 71–97
Elementary Students’ Perception of Socioscientific Issue-based Learning Environment — Perspectives of Personal Learning Motivation, Group Cooperative Ability, and the Classroom Environment
靳知勤、吳靜宜(Chi-Chin CHIN & Ching-Yi WU)
本研究以「探索、概念引介、釐清爭議、概念應用」學習環模式,設計「台灣能源的利用與現況」社會性科學議題(socioscientific issues,下稱SSI)模組,探討在教學前、後,國小五年級學生對學習環境知覺的改變。此知覺包含三層次:(1)學生的自然科學習動機,(2)學生在小組中的合作能力,及(3)學生對教室環境的知覺。在課程結束後,並調查學生對此SSI教學模組的感受。本研究採混合研究法,在教學過程中以質與量並重的方式蒐集資料,研究對象為台灣中部某國小一班五年級學生共28人;利用綜合活動時間進行教學,共經歷6週11節課。研究資料包括:問卷、學習單、課程回饋問卷、半結構訪談等。結果顯示:(1)經SSI教學後,學生對自然科學習動機、小組合作能力、教室環境等的知覺均有顯著提升;(2)大多數學生表示喜歡學習此課程內容,學到如何蒐集資料、討論和發表,以及能源議題的相關知識。最後,依據研究結果,對未來SSI教學與研究提出建議。
This study used a model of learning cycle with four phases — exploration, introduction of concept, clarification of controversy, and application of concept — to develop a socioscientific issues (SSI) module entitled “Energy Uses and Situation in Taiwan” for assessing the change of 5th graders’ perception of learning environment. Such a perception covered three facets: (a) student’s personal motivation toward learning science, (b) student’s cooperative ability in small groups, and (c) student’s perception toward the classroom environment. After learning the module, students’ feedbacks on what they preferred and what have learned were also investigated. Mix methods approach was adopted, collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. The subject was a class of Grade 5 students (N = 28). The module, with 11 sessions, was conducted in 6 weeks during the time for integral learning. Research data were collected through three questionnaires, seven worksheets, a feedback questionnaire, and semi-structured interviews. The findings revealed that: (a) students’ motivation toward learning science, cooperative ability in small groups, and perception of classroom environment were significantly enhanced; (b) the majority of students expressed their preference to learning the SSI module, got the ability in information collection, discussion and presentation, and the knowledge of energy-related issues. Based on the findings, this study proposes recommendations for SSI teaching and studies in the future.
Keywords: group cooperative ability; motivation toward learning science; socioscientific issues; perception of learning environment