

2020.第48卷第1期(Vol. 48 No. 1).pp. 1–21



The Current State and Prospect of Curriculum Reform in Hong Kong Since 2001: The Views of Secondary School Teachers and Principals

林智中、何瑞珠、曾榮光(Chi-Chung LAM, Esther Sui-Chu HO, & Wing-Kwong TSANG)


自2001年起,香港特別行政區政府推出一系列大型課程改革,至今已近二十年。現在正是適切時間檢討,以尋找未來的改革方向。校長和教師是重要的持份者,他們同時掌握具體的前線情況,因此了解他們對課程改革現狀及未來發展的看法非常重要。 本研究採用聚焦訪談及問卷調查方法,收集了超過1,000名教師和校長的觀感及看法。研究發現,課程改革帶來了教學法、學校自評文化和觀課文化的改變,但未能全面達致改革的大部分目標。改革亦帶來了一系列問題,例如教師工作量增加和學習差異擴闊等。如要為將來尋找更好的發展方向和策略,教育當局必須進行更全面、更有系統及深入的研究,而本研究展示的數據和理據可作這全面檢討的起點。



It has been nearly two decades since the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government launched a large-scale curriculum reform in 2001. It is timely to review the current state of curriculum delivery and explore how to move forward. As principals and teachers are important stakeholders and they have first-hand knowledge of current state on the ground, it is very important to understand how they perceive the current state and the ways of moving forward.

This article reports the findings of a study which adopted focus group interview and questionnaire survey of over 1,000 teachers and principals. The study finds that the curriculum reform has brought about some changes in teaching methods, self-evaluation, and lesson observation culture in schools. However, a majority of the aims of the curriculum reform have not been achieved and quite a number of problems, such as worsening of teacher workload and widening of learning diversity, have surfaced. It is recommended that more comprehensive, systematic and in-depth evaluative work should be done so as to inform the development and planning of future curriculum. The evidences and rationales provided in the present study could be seen as a starting point for such a holistic review of curriculum reform.

Keywords: education reform; curriculum implementation; New Senior Secondary curriculum