Educational Research Journal

Students' Perceptions of Quality of School Life in Hong Kong Primary Schools

1999.第14卷第1期(Vol. 14 No. 1).pp. 49–71

Students’ Perceptions of Quality of School Life in Hong Kong Primary Schools

Nicholas Sun-Keung PANG(彭新強)


This paper reports on a study in which the concept and measurement of the quality of school life in the Hong Kong context were developed. Based on the Australian model and scales of quality of school life, a sample of 2,963 students from 35 randomly selected primary schools was surveyed. Principal component analysis was used to analyze the data to confirm the existence of the scales. Further analyses of the data using reliability tests, correlation and multiple regression were performed to test the validity and reliability of the adapted instrument and its scales. The research contributes to the Hong Kong primary schools with appropriate, objective performance indicators when their quality of schooling is assessed internally and externally and provides essential information for schools and teachers about the areas in which the quality of school education can be managed. Important findings include: (1) most students were satisfied with the schools and had few negative feelings about being at school; (2) promoting teacher-student relations was the most effective way to maintain and assure the quality of school life; and (3) the quality of school life for most students deteriorated dramatically in Primary 5 and 6 when compared to Primary 4.

Keywords: primary student; quality education; school life

