
Primary Headteachers’ Perspectives on the Emotional Geographies of Parent Participation in Schooling in Taiwan

2022.第50卷第1期(Vol. 50 No. 1).pp. 159–185


Primary Headteachers’ Perspectives on the Emotional Geographies of Parent Participation in Schooling in Taiwan


Hsin-Jen CHEN(陳幸仁)


Through the lens of Andy Hargreaves’s theoretical framework of emotional geographies, this article endeavors to investigate headteachers’ perspectives of their interactions with parents in Taiwan. By employing qualitative interviews with primary headteachers, the research found that headteachers’ emotional distances from parents were related to parents’ sociocultural backgrounds, headteachers’ sense of moral purposes, headteachers’ concepts of professionalism, headteachers’ behavior of political pretense, and the frequency to interact with parents. Five themes that emerged in the data were examined: (a) perceptions of headteachers toward parent backgrounds that were socioculturally stereotyped; (b) headteachers’ viewpoints of moral purpose and their perspectives of caring for children that influenced how they interacted with parents and interpreted these interactions; (c) headteachers’ sense of professionalism that was essentially influenced by parents’ viewpoints of professional identity; (d) emotional masking for headteachers that was adopted to face parents’ criticism or unreasonable requirements; (e) parents’ willingness and abilities to participate in and around the school that could get physical closeness with headteachers. The article provides suggestions for practice.

Keywords: emotional geographies; parent participation; professionalism; moral purpose; emotional masking


本研究以Andy Hargreaves的情緒地理理論架構,探究台灣國小校長對家長參與學校教育的觀點。透過與國小校長的質性訪談,本研究發現,校長和家長之間的情緒距離受到家長社會文化地位、校長自身的道德目的、校長所抱持的專業主義立場、校長是否政治偽裝,以及和家長互動的頻率相關。從質性資料中發現五個主題:(1)校長看待家長社會文化背景存在刻板印象;(2)校長的道德目的和對孩童關切的想法會影響與家長的互動關係;(3)校長的專業主義立場同樣影響家長專業認同的看法;(4)當面對家長批評或不合理要求時,校長採取情緒偽裝;(5)家長有意願和有能力參與學校事務,易拉近和校長的物理距離。最後,本文提出一些實務建言。
