Education Journal

Education for the Gifted and "Talent Development": What Gifted Education Can Offer Education Reform in Hong Kong

2000.第28卷第2期(Vol. 28 No. 2).pp. 1–13


“Education for the Gifted” and “Talent Development”: What Gifted Education Can Offer Education Reform in Hong Kong


David W. CHAN(陳維鄂)


The traditional practice in providing for gifted children in our Chinese heritage and in colonial Hong Kong was briefly reviewed. Conventionally, gifted education has been defined to be restricted to the education for the identified gifted with a specific view of giftedness. However, there is now an increased acceptance of a broadened and inclusive view of giftedness, and an emphasis of gifted education as talent development for a greater number of students who might be less able. The choice between "education for the gifted" and "talent development" for all students or the majority of students might reflect the conflict between the concern for excellence and the concern for equity, or the concern for excellence of the gifted few as against the concern for excellence of all students. Reconsidering gifted education as encompassing both "education for the gifted" and "talent development" will allow an equitable pursuit of excellence for all students. In this connection, it is suggested that the gifted and talented approach developed for more able students might, with appropriate differentiation, benefit students who are less able and those who are at risk.

