
Strategies for Conceptualizing Research on School Administration: An Effectiveness Approach

1991.第19卷第1期(Vol. 19 No. 1).pp. 69–81


Strategies for Conceptualizing Research on School Administration: An Effectiveness Approach


Yin-Cheong CHENG(鄭燕祥)


From different perspectives, different strategies can be developed for research on school administration. The effectiveness approach assumes that school effectiveness is the major concern of school administration. The structure of school effectiveness provides a model linking up different categories of variables in terms of principal effectiveness, teacher effectiveness, student effectiveness, context of leadership, context of teaching, and context of learning. Based on this structure, four sets of strategies are developed for conceptualizing school administration research: Individual category strategies, relationship strategies, interaction strategies, and global strategies. The characteristics of these strategies are presented and compared. In terms of complexity in conception, there forms a hierarchy of research strategies. When compared with the individual category strategies and relationship strategies, the interaction strategies and global strategies can provide more powerful conceptual tools for research, even though the former two are more popular in the field of school administration research.

