
Language Learning Strategy of Hong Kong Putonghua Learners

2011.第26卷第1期(Vol. 26 No. 1).pp. 17–39

Language Learning Strategy of Hong Kong Putonghua Learners

Yin-Bing LEUNG & Anna Na-Na HUI(梁燕冰、許娜娜)


Introduction of Putonghua learning to the Hong Kong school curriculum began in 1984. There have been many discussions on Putonghua curriculum, material development and on teaching methodology, but to date, little research has been carried out on how students learn Putonghua. This survey focuses on the Putonghua learning strategies of Hong Kong students from three schools. More than five hundred Form 1 students are included in this project. Questionnaire is used in the survey. Survey of Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) (Oxford 1990) has been adapted and translated into Chinese. The findings show that the average of strategy use falls in the medium range. Three categorical strategies used frequently by Hong Kong Putonghua learners are identified: compensative, metacognitive and affective. Focus group interviews are also conducted to validate the findings. Implications to Putonghua instruction are discussed.

Keywords: Putonghua; language learning strategies; learner autonomy

