Prof. Kwan Mei Po becomes the new Director of Institute of Space and Earth Information Science with effect from 1 August 2019, succeeding Professor Lin Hui who completed his term at the end of July, 2019. Prof. Kwan is also appointed as Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Shatin, Hong Kong.
Prof. Kwan Mei Po is an elected fellow of the U.K. Academy of Social Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, among others. She has received many other prestigious honors and awards, including the Distinguished Scholarship Honors and the Stanley Brunn Award for Creativity in Geography from the American Association of Geographers (AAG); the Alan Hay Award from the Transport Geography Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG); the U.S. University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) Research Award; and the Melinda S. Meade Distinguished Scholarship Award from the AAG Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group.
Prof. Kwan had served as an editor of Annals of the American Association of Geographers for 12 years and is editor of the book series entitled SAGE Advances in Geographic Information Science and Technology. Her research interests include environmental health, sustainable cities, human mobility, urban/social issues in cities, and GIScience. Kwan has received about US$56 million support as PI or co-PI from sources including the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the U.S. National Science Foundation, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. She has published 37 edited or co-edited volumes and 210 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. She has delivered over 200 keynote addresses and invited lectures in about 20 countries.
For more information please visit:
5 August, 2022
Congratulations to Prof. Peifeng Ma, who has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK effective Aug 1, 2022. Prof. Ma is also a recipient of the VC Early Career Professorship Scheme offer.
Congratulations also to Prof. Zihan Kan, who has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK effective Aug 1, 2022.
7 July, 2022
Pleased to announce that Prof. Mei-Po Kwan and Prof. Peifeng Ma have just been awarded a General Research Fund (GRF) in the 2022-23 exercise. Congratulations!
8 June, 2022
Congratulations to Prof. Mei-Po Kwan, Director of ISEIS, has been awarded the 2022 James R. Anderson Medal of Honor in Applied Geography, which is the highest honor bestowed by the Applied Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers (AAG).
5 May, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Jiannan Cai on receiving a 3-year RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship.
3 May, 2022
Professor Kwan will be the speaker in “Advancing Women Academics in Leadership” webinar
29 April, 2022
Using GIScience to Combat COVID-19 and Keep People Healthy
17 Novermber, 2021
Professor Mei-Po Kwan, ISEIS Director, has been named to the 2021 Highly Cited Researchers list
23 September, 2021
News report on CUHK Innovation Day: Satellite aerial mobile remote sensing technologies for public and infrastructural health by ISEIS
16 September, 2021
Professor Peifeng Ma is invited to be the organizing committee member of the BIGSARDATA2021.
6 August, 2021
Postgraduate Research Output Award 2020
5 August, 2021
Prof. Mei-Po Kwan, ISEIS Director, will be presenting a keynote speech on "Urban Place-making" in an online international workshop on August 20, 2021 as part of an international event "Women and Urbanization in China: Building a Transformative Knowledge Network".
4 August, 2021
Prof. Mei-Po Kwan, ISEIS Director, will give an invited keynote speech from 4:00 pm to 4:15 pm (HK Time) on August 13 at the 19th International Conference on Spatial Data Handling and Geographic Intelligence
2 July, 2021
ISEIS Director recently received a major grant from the HK Research Grants Council (RGC): Professor Mei-Po Kwan - "Geoprivacy Concerns for and Acceptance of COVID-19 Control Measures that Use Individual Georeferenced Data." (HK$902,274; 2022/23 General Research Fund (GRF)
25 May, 2021
Prof. Mei-Po Kwan, ISEIS Director, is invited to attend the Policy Forum on Winning the War on COVID - Policy Insights from Computational Social Science, organised by the Faculty of Social Science and Policy Research @ HKIAPS, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).
21 May, 2021
Prof. Mei-Po Kwan, ISEIS Director, willl give an invited talk
3 May, 2021
Prof. Mei-Po Kwan, ISEIS Director, will present the research with new insights and recent advances in IJGIS Webinar Series.
23 April, 2021
Prof. Mei-Po Kwan, ISEIS Director, will be the Keynote speaker at the International Workshop in University of Melbourne.
8 April, 2021
Prof. Mei-Po Kwan, ISEIS Director, and her group will be speaking at the AAG Annual Meeting 2021.
26 March, 2021
Professor Huang Bo receives awards in the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva
Gold Medal: PhotoAir: Measuring indoor and outdoor PM2.5 with a mobile phone
10 March, 2021
Prof. Kwan Mei Po, Director of ISEIS was invited to the below webinar jointly organised by the Department of Geography & the Centre for Geo-computation Studies at the Hong Kong Baptist University on 11 March 2021.
8 March, 2021
ISEIS researchers recently received three major grants from the HK Research Grants Council (RGC)
8 March, 2021
MSc students Awarded Scholarship (2020-21)
4 March, 2021
ISEIS Director, Professor Mei-Po Kwan receives 2021 AAG Wilbanks Prize for Transformational Research in Geography
20 October, 2020
2 September 2020
Master of Science in Environmental Information, Health and Public Management Seminar calendar 2020-21
31 August, 2020
Please join a Leadership Spotlight: An One-hour Interview with Dr. Mei-Po Kwan by Dr. Marie Price, President of American Geographical Society (AGS).