
The Teaching of General Studies as an "Integrated" Subject in Hong Kong Primary Schools

1999.第8卷第2期(Vol. 8 No. 2).pp. 13–28

The Teaching of General Studies as an “Integrated” Subject in Hong Kong Primary Schools


Winnie Wing-Mui SO, May May-Hung CHENG, Cho-Nga LEUNG, & Lai-Wah WONG YU(蘇詠梅、鄭美紅、梁操雅、黃余麗華)


This study explores teachers' understanding of the notion of "integration" and their conception of teaching and learning an integrated subject, General Studies, in the Hong Kong primary curriculum. Other related issues like school administration and teacher preparation are examined. The significance of this study is to provide suggestions to the direction of teacher education programs in order to nurture competent General Studies teachers.

The integration of the learning elements of Primary Science, Social Studies, and Health Education, which have long been taught as separate subjects, into a new subject called General Studies, presents a dramatic change in local primary education and teacher education. Since the introduction of the new subject in 1996, teachers have encountered difficulties in implementing the subject at school.

This study draws on teachers' direct involvement with the teaching of the subject. In particular, the issues about school administration, teacher preparation, teachers' understanding of the notion of "integration", and teachers' conception of teaching and learning of the subject are examined. The findings of this paper have some implications on the direction of teacher education program, which serves to support the teaching of the subject in local primary schools.



自 1996 年,常識科已成為小學核心課之一。它將社會科、科學科和健康教育科統整為一嶄新的科目。無論在教學或師資培訓方面都是一巨大的改變,教學上更遇到不少困難。

本研究針對教師對常識科教學的直接參與,特別在學校行政、教師培訓、教師對 「統整」 的看法,和常識科的教學等作深入的探討。研究結果可反映小學常識科師資培訓課程的取向,從而對該科的教學提供支援。