

1998/1999.第26卷第2期及第27卷第1期(Vol. 26 No. 2 & Vol. 27 No. 1).pp. 221–231



A Study on Using "Cassette Tape Marking" to Correct Students' Composition in Chinese Mainland Secondary Schools

何萬貫(Man-Koon HO)


好的「批改錄音」能幫助學生把文章改好,首先是因為它為學生明確了修改的「目標」。好的「錄音批語」不是批改一些如錯字錯句之類的小問題,而是抓住主題、脈絡這些方向性的大問題,使學生按照這個方向去修改,使文章的主題變得比較鮮明,布局變得更為合理,從而使整篇文章的面貌改觀。「錄音批語」之所以能幫助學生修改好作文,原因還在於,「錄音批語」使學生明確了「讀者」的要求,明確了作者和讀者的關係。本研究以中一學生為研究對象,利用one-way ANCOVA統計分析。實驗證明,利用錄音帶批改作文,可有效地提高學生的寫作水平。


Good "cassette tape marking" can help revise students' compositions, because they can show to the student the "goal" of revision. Good "cassette tape commentary" do not comment on minor linguistic errors such as wrong words or wrong sentence structure. Instead, such comments focus on macro linguistic errors such as theme and the overall structure of the composition, so that the student can revise his writing to these directions. As a result, the student's writing can have a clearer theme and a more logical structure so that the whole piece can be improved. Another reason "cassette tape commentary" can help improve students' compositions is that it exemplifies the relationship between the writer and the reader so that the student can have a better grasp of the reader's expectation.

The present study uses Form 1 Chinese Mainland students as subjects. One-way ANCOVA results indicated that "cassette tape marking" can significantly raise students' writing performance.