

2015.第43卷第2期(Vol. 43 No. 2).pp. 173–196


A Study on the Influential Factors of Marine Science Knowledge and Capability Indicators for Junior High School Students

張正杰(Cheng-Chieh CHANG)





This study aimed to investigate the marine science knowledge and capability indicators of junior high school students. The subjects of this study were students from fifteen public junior high schools in Keelung City, Taiwan. Questionnaire surveys were used to conduct stratified sampling of seven administrative districts. A total of 1,268 questionnaires were distributed and there were 1,016 valid samples, with 80% return rate. Results showed that: (a) the average correct rate of the questionnaire for junior high school students’ marine science knowledge was 51%; (b) according to capability indicators of marine science education for junior high schools, students’ reaching rate was 52%; (c) students who spent more time visiting maritime museums, reading about marine science, or watching television shows related to marine science had higher marine science knowledge; (d) marine science knowledge was higher for students whose teachers included more marine science topics into their curriculums; (e) marine science knowledge was significantly higher for students whose school was located near the ocean; (f) students in higher grade levels had higher marine science knowledge. The results of this study can serve as a reference for marine education researchers and junior high school teachers to improve marine science literacy of people.

Keywords: marine science knowledge; capability indicators of marine science education; junior high school students; marine science literacy