

2008.第17卷第1期(Vol. 17 No. 1).pp. 17–32


A Study on the Development of a Curriculum Model for Preschools in Taiwan: From the Perspective of Understanding the Curriculum in Narrative Text

陳淑琴(Shu-Chin Susan CHEN)





The main purpose of this study is to examine the developmental trend for a curriculum model in the preschools in Taiwan from the perspective of understanding the curriculum in narrative text. The research analyzes the reference papers and documents presented in the annual conference of the Taiwan Association of Early Childhood Education Reform from 1997 to 2007. It was found that before 1980, most of the preschools adopted teaching materials already published by the Taiwan government or the private sector for classroom teaching instead of developing their own materials. In other words, children experienced “other people’s stories” more in the early childhood settings in Taiwan. From 1980–2000, the curriculum was still largely based on “other people’s stories” in the preschools, due to the public’s misconception about an arts-related and cognitively-oriented curriculum as well as developments in early foreign language learning and the adoption of ready-made teaching materials. However, it was found in narrative texts that recently, the trend has been increasingly switched to a more learner-centered orientation curriculum model, and preschool classrooms in Taiwan now tell “our stories” a lot more.