1993.第2卷第1期(Vol. 2 No. 1).pp. 5358
Teacher-Pupil Relationship: The Foundation for Student Crisis Intervention
劉兆瑛(Patrick S. Y. LAU)
近年香港中小學生自殺的情況,除了反映學童本身的支持系統單薄,心志脆弱之外,也反映了教師和學生之間的關係疏離,未足以令學童在面臨危 機時向教師求助。
在芸芸輔導理論之中,每多強調輔導員和受導者的關係,這種具治療效應 的輔導關係,常取決於輔導員本身的態度。當事人中心治療法始創人Carl Rogers更指出這些態度是幫助受導者成長的充分和必要條件。這一點對為 人師表的同工甚具啟發性,教師也可以透過真摯誠懇、共嗚同感和尊重接納的態度與學生建立一份深厚的情誼。基於這份關係,學童感到被關懷、 被愛,相信當問題尚未嚴重時,他們能夠主動地向教師表白;又或是當學童面臨困境時,這關係可以支持他們向老師求助,鼓勵他們繼續活下去。
In recent years, the problem of adolescent suicide has been given much attention in Hong Kong. This suicidal trend not only indicates that children lack a strong supporting system, but also shows that the relationship between teachers and students is too distant for children to seek help from their teachers in case of crisis.
Many counselling theories emphasize the relation between the counsellor and the client. This therapeutic relationship is dependent on the counsellor's attitudes which, as pointed out by Carl Rogers, the founder of Person-centered Therapy, are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the client's growth. Such belief provides much insight for teachers. Teachers may develop a deep relationship with students through showing genuineness, empathy, respect and acceptance so that students can feel being loved and cared for. Under this condition, children may have already talked with the teachers even if their problems are only arising at an initial stage. In case of crisis, it is hoped that such relation is strong enough for the students to seek help from teachers so as to live on.