Education Journal

A Descriptive Study of Pre-Service and In-Service Physical Educators' Teaching Behaviors in Hong Kong

1996.第24卷第2期(Vol. 24 No. 2).pp. 45–56


A Descriptive Study of Pre-Service and In-Service Physical Educators’ Teaching Behaviors in Hong Kong


Amy Sau-Ching HA(夏秀禎)


The aim of this study was to examine teacher behaviors in the local secondary school physical education setting. The subjects in this study were forty local pre-service and in-service physical education teachers. An observation instrument was employed to collect data from teachers during natural and usual setting of physical education lessons. Results showed that physical educators tended to provide high frequencies of instructions and disproportionately low rates of praise and corrective to positive feedback regardless of their gender and teaching experience. Whilst the in- service physical educators had significantly higher percentages of using teaching feedback of praise, praise/reinstruct and questioning than the pre-service group, the female physical educators were found to be more dynamic in using different categories of teaching feedback than their counterparts. To better maintain or upgrade the quality of the local physical education teaching and learning, both pre-service and in-service physical educators need to be trained or re-trained in different ways to make good use of teacher feedback during their instructions. Professional consultation as well as self-evaluation approach would help to achieve these goals.

