Education Journal


2001.第29卷第1期(Vol. 29 No. 1).pp. 137–156



Tai Po Vernacular Normal School (1926–1941):

The Pioneer of Basic Education in the New Territories

方駿(Jun FANG)


一九二六年,香港政府為發展新界的中文教育,為該地區的小學培養合格教師,成立了大埔官立漢文師範學校。這所二戰前新界地區的「最高學府」,與港島的官立漢文中學師範部(1926–1940)、官立女子漢文師範學堂(1920–1941)及官立夜學院(1935–1941, 1945–1950)漢文師資班,為當時香港各區學校培養、培訓合格的漢文師資。自創立到一九四一年底因香港淪陷而被迫停辦為止,埔師前後一共招生十六屆,畢業學生十五屆。由於它實行嚴格的訓練和考核制度,學生素質相對較高,即使那些曾在埔師求學但未能領取畢業證書的學生,也深受新界鄉村學校的歡迎。埔師輸出的畢業、肄業生,作為新界基礎教育的開荒牛,對該地區的教育發展起了重要的作用。本文在搜尋文獻資料的同時,訪問數位曾在埔師學習的現已年介耄耋的前輩教育工作者,盡量理清這所已經逐漸為人遺忘的早期師範學校的發展線索,並在此基礎上,探討其教育實踐給現今香港教師教育的啟示。


The Tai Po Vernacular Normal School (TVNS) was established in 1926 by the Hong Kong Government to train qualified primary school teachers for the then backward New Territories. Together with the Normal Division of the Vernacular Middle School (1926–40) and the Vernacular Normal School for Women (1920–1941) as well as the Vernacular Teachers' Classes of the Evening Institute (1935–1941, 1945–1950) in the Hong Kong Island, the four teacher training institutes supplied the majority of qualified Chinese teachers in Hong Kong prior to the Japanese occupation of the territory in December 1941. A total of 15 classes graduated from the TVNS during its 16 years' existence. Practically all of the graduates and those who once studied and finally left the school without teacher's certificates, assumed teaching positions in the New Territories and consequently made a significant contribution to the improvement of basic education in the region. This paper, using documentary sources and information obtained from interviews with some of the TVNS alumni aged between 77 to 88, constructs the history of this early teacher education institute and discusses the implications and experiences we can gain from the school's educational practice.