1995.第23卷第2期(Vol. 23 No. 2).pp. 199227
Component Profiles of Chinese Reading Comprehension Ability: A Comparison of Poor and Average Readers
蘇月華(Yuet-Wah SO)
本研究是以Perfetti(1986)的「字詞接觸」(lexical access)、「命題編碼」(proposition encoding)和「篇章整合」(text modelling)三分法認知模式為核心理論,測量成績稍遜學童的中文閱讀理解能力。透過診所性的測驗設計,探討成績稍遜的中一和中三年級學童九項閱讀的個別因素,並以一般成績的中一和中二午級學童為參照點,比較兩組學童的閱讀個別因素的差距。研究結果能引證「字詞接觸」、「命題編碼」和「篇章整合」這三種認知能力因素是成績稍遜學童閱讀障礙的根源。
This study is based on Perfetti's (1986) text model that regards lexical access, proposition encoding and text modeling as the three components of reading processes. The study is a diagnostic design which tries to investigate the Chinese reading comprehension abilities of the Form One and Form Three poor readers. Two groups of average readers each from Form One and Form Three students respectively are used as reference groups for comparison. The results support that the three components of reading processes are the causes of reading disabilities of poor readers.