1995.第23卷第2期(Vol. 23 No. 2).pp. 2749
A Cognitive Psychological Perspective on the Design of Textbooks
霍秉坤、黃顯華(Ping-Kwan FOK & Hin-Wah WONG)
In this article, a comprehensive framework from the cognitive psychological perspective in the understanding of the design of the textbooks is worked out. Firstly, the importance of textbooks in teaching and learning is discussed. Secondly, studies which confirm the contribution of the improvement of textbook to student learning, and examples of the weaknesses of the textbooks are reviewed. Finally, elements which should be considered in editing of a textbook are discussed. Elements affecting the learning of students are the text, the organization, the illustrations, and the typographical structure of text. The analysis is nonetheless preliminary and further research and discussions are needed.