Education Journal


2021.第49卷第1期(Vol. 49 No. 1).pp. 143–166



An Inquiry of Hong Kong Young Adults’ Sources of Meaning in Life: The Auto-photography and Photo-elicitation Approaches

何瑞珠、張穎珊(Esther Sui-Chu HO & Charis Wing-Shan CHEUNG)


本研究藉自助攝影和照片引談的方式,探討香港青年生命意義的來源(sources of meaning in life)。本文屬「香港青少年之追蹤研究」第四階段研究的一部分,訪問了47位年齡介乎23至24歲的年青人。研究團隊邀請受訪者選取三件「帶給你生命意義的事物」並拍照下來在訪談中分享,收回共136段相關敘述。研究團隊按受訪者在訪談中為相片提供的解說,整理出16項「生命意義來源」類別,最多受訪者提及的「生命意義來源」是「家人關係」、「朋輩關係」、「個人成就」和「旅行」。研究團隊又將這16項「生命意義來源」進一步歸納為「個人內在」、「人際」和「超越」三大範疇。這些分類提供具體而整全的框架,給我們理解香港年青人所看重的生命意義源自甚麼經驗和屬於哪些範疇。就方法學而言,本研究引入自助攝影和照片引談,突破並豐富了以往只是以文字、數字收集資料的限制,使我們能更立體地了解年青人如何尋索並建構他們的生命意義,對日後繼續發展出更多元的研究進路甚具啟發意義。



As part of the Longitudinal Study of Adolescents in Hong Kong (HKLSA, Phase 4), this study used “auto-photography” and “photo-elicitation” to explore local young adults’ sources of meaning in life. A total of 47 young adults aged between 23 and 24 were interviewed. Respondents were invited to pre-select three things that brought meaning to their life and share them with photos in the interviews. A total of 136 related narratives were collected. According to the elaborations provided by the respondents for the photos, the research team has identified 16 categories of “source of meaning in life.” The most popular “source of meaning in life” were “family relationship,” “peer relationship,” “personal achievement” and “travel.” These 16 “sources of meaning in life” could be further categorized into three dimensions: “intrapersonal,” “interpersonal,” and “transcendent.” This categorization has provided concrete and holistic frameworks for understanding how Hong Kong young adults articulated their meanings in life and the major categories of sources of meaning in life with their personal experiences. Methodologically speaking, this research introduced the approaches of auto-photography and photo-elicitation, which has enriched the exploration in this field by breaking through the limitations in collecting data with only words and numbers. Such an attempt has provided a more comprehensive understanding of how young people seek and construct their meanings in life and could inspire researchers to develop more diverse research approaches in related youth studies in the future.

Keywords: sources of meaning in life; auto-photography; photo-elicitation