1999.第6卷第2期(Vol. 6 No. 2).pp. 129145
Sex Education in Secondary Schools of Hong Kong Literature Review and Recommendations
陳寶安(Ella Po-On CHAN)
Sex Education was first officially introduced to the secondary schools of Hong Kong in 1986 when the Sex Education Guideline was issued by the Education Department. Over the past thirteen years, even though more sex education programmes were implemented in schools, the overall result cannot be considered as satisfactory. There are many causes and one of them was due to the lack of systematic training for sex educators. This paper attempts to present a more systematic literature review of major local studies and surveys on sex education issues in Hong Kong, with a view that a better picture of sexuality needs of young people be emerged. The paper also tries to look at the definitions, goals, framework of sex education and the practical issues of sex education implementation in Hong Kong secondary schools. The paper concludes with recommendations for future sex education movement to gear at in order to best serve the multiple needs of secondary students from a holistic perspective.