Asian Journal of Counselling

Psychological Health of Expatriate Spouses: A Neglected Factor in International Relocation

2013.第20卷第1及2期(Vol. 20 Nos. 1 & 2).pp. 1–31

Psychological Health of Expatriate Spouses: A Neglected Factor in International Relocation


Deborah L. WIESE


Little research exists on the emotional health of expatriate spouses in international relocation. This study clarified how primary constructs identified in the expatriate research (e.g., cultural differences, personality, social support) and theories of voluntariness related to the psychological health of expatriate spouses in Hong Kong. Using hierarchical regression, psychological health emerged as a relevant outcome in relocation as well as a mediator of the relationship between other variables and intent to stay in the international setting. In support of hypotheses, social support mediated the relationship between personality and psychological health. The relationship between voluntariness and intent to stay, as well as that of social support and intent to stay, appeared to be fully mediated by psychological health. This study clarifies prior research, identifying psychological health as a route through which other variables may impact intent to stay in the international setting. Findings have implications for counselors working with families relocating internationally and warrant more attention to ways to enhance the psychological health of expatriate spouses in international settings.

Keywords: psychological health; social support; international relocation; expatriate spouses; adjustment


目前,很少有關遷居別國異地配偶情緒健康的研究。本研究釐清駐外研究(expatriate research)的主要構念(例如文化差異、個性、社會支援)及自願性與香港異地配偶心理健康的關係。利用階層迴歸分析,心理健康情況既是遷居的相關結果,亦是其他變量與留居別國意願的中介因素。與本研究的假設一致,社會支援是個性與心理健康關係的中介因素,而心理健康亦是自願性與留居意願和社會支援與留居意願這兩方面關係的中介因素。本研究釐清了之前研究的問題,指出其他變量經過心理健康這通道而影響留居別國意願。研究有助輔導員輔導由別國遷居的家庭,確認必須更加關注如何增進遷居別國異地配偶的心理健康。
