Asian Journal of Counselling


1993.第2卷第1期(Vol. 2 No. 1).pp. 67–73


Educational Counselling for the Youth of Asia: Challenge of the Nineties

文獻良(Hsien-Liang WEN)


九十年代亞洲青年面臨人口增長對就業的挑戰;文化互化對文化選擇的挑戰;環境污染對情緒的挑戰。這三大挑戰會形成希望與困難並存;成功與 失敗並存;富裕與貧困並存;和平發展與危機並存等四重心理氛圍,使人囗眾多,人均生活水平尚不十分富裕的大部分亞洲青年時刻處在理想與現 實的矛盾衝突之中。為了亞洲地區的和平穩定發展與未來,亞洲地區的青年教育輔導應該立腳本土,面向世界發展,一要輔導青年正確知覺環境; 二要輔導青年正確反映環境;三要協助青年發展與美化環境文化與物質生活條件。這就要求亞洲地區的廣大青年教育輔導工作者們團結合作,相互 溝通,把培養現代青年與發展亞洲地區的經濟文化協調起來,利用亞洲的自然與社會優勢,努力為青年開發良好政治、經濟、文化活動場景,以促 進青年們在這塊美麗大陸上健康成長。


In the nineties, the youth of Asia are faced with three major challenges, namely, scarcity of jobs amidst vast population growth, the question of cultural identity caused by interaction of different cultures, and frustrations brought about by environmental pollution. These challenges lead to psychological confrontations with the coexistence of hope and obstacles, of success and failure, of affluence and poverty, and of peaceful development and potential crises. As a result, the majority of the youth of Asia, who are still grappling with over-population and austerity, find themselves constantly torn between idealism and reality. For the peaceful and stable development of Asia, educational counselling for its youth should strive to establish itself in the region, while opening itself up to the world. This means counselling the youth with a view to helping them to get acquainted with their environment, to reflect the environment accurately, and to develop and ref-ine the culture of the environment and living conditions. This requires that Asian practitioners in youth educational counselling work together to share their experience and to coordinate efforts in nurturing the youth and developing Asia's economy and culture, and, making use of the natural and social strengths of Asia, to build an environment which is conducive to political, economic and cultural activities, so that our young people can grow healthily on this beautiful continent.