1992.第20卷第2期(Vol. 20 No. 2).pp. 139147
Environmental Psychology: Its ‘Place’ Model and Education
Pearl CHOW(周寶珠)
Along with other professions in the discipline of psychology, environmental psychologists are concerned with the problems of man and the environment, as much as with the optimal design of learning, working and living 'places'. However, only a minority of people know about the contribution of the field of environmental psychology and its potential capacity of application in a variety of contexts, let alone educational settings. This paper is an attempt to make the field known. This is done by exploring and expounding one of the more important models of environmental psychology the three-component model of 'place', and the relevance as well as significance of this model and the field together in education. The three components, namely, activities, physical attributes and conceptions constituting a 'place' are thus examined in detail for such a purpose.