2007.第16卷第2期(Vol. 16 No. 2).pp. 8398
Value Orientations in a Set of Junior Secondary Chinese Language Textbooks in Hong Kong
何文勝(Man-Sing HO)
This paper aims at investigating, from an ethical perspective, the value orientations embedded in a set of junior secondary Chinese Language textbooks in Hong Kong to better understand the textbooks’ content, emphases and presentation. Only through such studies can we effectively assess whether the values set out in the teaching and learning objectives of the Curriculum Guide have been implemented. An analysis framework is first constructed from textbook references, followed by the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The data show that the coverage of values in the chosen textbook, from the individual to the global level, is quite comprehensive, but there is room for improvement in the emphases and proportion of various value areas. There should be a better linkage between the value orientations of the textbook and the psycho-cognitive development of students. Furthermore, if the Curriculum Guide can suggest a clearer proportion for the quality and quantity of different values, this will greatly enhance the quality and authority of the Chinese language textbooks.