1995 - 第23卷第2期(Vol. 23 No. 2)
1 | 民族教育與公民權責教育之間:過渡期香港公民教育的議論 曾榮光 |
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27 | 從認知心理學的角度看教科書之編訂 霍秉坤、黃顯華 |
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51 | Politics in Charge: Politically Correct Higher Education in the People's Republic of China Michael AGELASTO |
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73 | Implications and Problems of Constructivism for Instructional Design Lai-Chong LAW & Ka-Ming WONG |
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105 | Occupational Stress Among Schoolteachers: A Review of Research Findings Relevant to Policy Formation Oi-Ling SIU |
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125 | Curriculum Reform in Mathematics and the Target Oriented Curriculum Chun-Ip FUNG |
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151 | 語文單元教學中的比較教學 周漢光 |
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169 | 中學生作文中觀念的組織與聯繫的研究 何萬貫 |
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183 | 中國語文教學活動設計──磁卡磁板在教學上的應用 孫耀民、何萬貫、麥思源 |
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199 | 中文閱讀理解能力的個別差異因素:成績稍遜學童與一般學童的比較 蘇月華 |
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229 | Teaching Conversation in the Second Language Classroom: Problems and Prospects Paul SZE |
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