1989 - 第4卷(Vol. 4)
1 | Quality of Education for the 21st Century Charles K. KAO |
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8 | Student's Approaches to Learning in Anglo-Chinese Schools J. B. BIGGS |
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18 | 教育研究對教育政策所起的作用 李越挺 |
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21 | 改用母語教學後成效評鑑研究 蕭炳基、麥思源 |
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28 | The Solving of Composite Problems in Chemistry: A Cognitive Science Study Rex M. HEYWORTH |
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41 | The Abuse of Educational Evaluation: A Study of the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Civic Education "Guidelines" Teddy Chun-Keung TANG & Paul MORRIS |
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50 | 香港中學生對文言白話篇章閱讀理解比較研究 梁婉萍 |
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57 | 香港中學教師的領導行為及權力使用對學生的課室氣氛影響 何明生 |
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69 | 香港小學生的學業成績歸因及成就目標 侯傑泰 |
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77 | A Measure of the Language Development of Hong Kong Young Children Paul Lai-Min LEE & Peggy Kam-Pik MIU LEE |
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85 | How Students in Selected Degree Programmes at CPHK Characterise Their Approaches to Study M. J. STOKES, J. R. BALLA & K. J. STAFFORD |
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92 | Process and Outcome in Tuition for Reading: The Case of Paired Reading Sam WINTER |
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