Education Journal
1990 - 第18卷第2期(Vol. 18 No. 2)
99 | 教師專業組織、國家權力與科層權威:香港教師專業化路向的剖析 曾榮光 |
摘要 abstract |
107 | 高等教育與性別平等:香港的情況 敖恆宇 |
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115 | Sex Differences in the Psychological Well-being of Chinese Dual-employed Parents in Hong Kong Wai-Kwong MAK & Daniel T. L. SHEK |
摘要 abstract |
121 | 應用廣東拼音輸入法和基本筆劃輸入法最常見的編碼錯誤的分析 譚英隆、鍾財文 |
摘要 abstract |
129 | 動機與學習 劉誠 |
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143 | Mental Health Knowledge of Chinese Secondary School Students in Hong Kong Daniel T. L. SHEK |
摘要 abstract |
153 | 從「奴化教育」與「文化沙漠」到本土文化的抬頭:香港文化的發展與中國近代革命的轉折 蔡寶瓊 |
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165 | Comparison of Self Concepts and Delinquent Behaviours in Junior Secondary School Students from Prevocational Schools and Grammar Schools Jin-Pang LEUNG |
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173 | Statistical Packages on Personal Computers for Educational Research: Advantages and Limitations Kit-Tai HAU |
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179 | Development of Prevocational Education Policy and Curriculum During the Last Quarter-Century Benjamin Yeuk-Man CHAN |
摘要 abstract |
185 | 八十年代香港小學課外活動的發展 黃顯華、馮以浤 |
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