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Certificate Programme in Data Mining and Machine Learning

Course No. : 223-212300-01|Start Date : 10/10/2022

Admission Requirements

Applicants shall have basic knowledge of database* and computer programming+, and
1. completion of secondary education, or equivalent; or
2. aged 21 or above.

* database such as Access, MySQL, etc
+ computer programming such as Python, Java, etc.

Language Used

Cantonese (supplemented with English)

Total Hours

90 Hours (around 8-9 months)


Central Learning Centre

Start Date

10 October 2022




6:45pm - 9:45pm (one lesson per week)

Application Fee


Tuition Fee



Certificate programmes

QF Level


QR Registration No.


QR Registration Validity Period

21/03/2018 - Ongoing

Course Enquiries

3943 9131 / 3943 90452770 8275[JavaScript encoded]

Enrolment Enquiries

2209 0290

Closing Date for Application

10 September 2022



This programme is targeted for participants who are interested to learn how to extract and analyze data to obtain valuable information and knowledge by using the popular data mining and machine learning algorithms. While theoretical and mathematical knowledge will also be introduced, the programme will focus on real-life applications of readily available data mining and machine learning techniques and algorithms to help participants to apply the knowledge at their own context. Common data mining tools such as R and Python will be used for the students to do hands-on practices. Ethical and privacy issues will also be discussed.


1. Introduction to Data Mining (30hr)
Data are collected everywhere now with advancement in technology, and how to effectively identify patterns and useful information in such data is essential for learning, forecasting and knowledge discovery purposes. The course will provide opportunities for students to learn the basic concepts of data mining and how to discover useful information in daily-life context.

2. Machine Learning Algorithms (30hr)
Machine learning is one of the fastest-growing and exciting areas with wide range of possible applications. In this course, the participants will develop a clear understanding of the motivation for machine learning, and design small-scale intelligent systems that can learn from complex and or large-scale datasets.

3. Applications of Data Mining and Machine Learning (30hr)
This course will help participants to apply data mining and machine learning techniques to practical applications such as stock forecasting, social media marketing and scientific applications.


Assignment, Case Studies, Project and Final Exam.

Award of Certificate

To qualify for the award of 'Certificate Programme in Data Mining and Machine Learning', students are required to have an attendance rate of 70% or above in each course and have passed the assessments of each course.

Continuing Education Fund

This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 3).

Course Code: 34C121177
CEF Course Name : Certificate in Data Mining and Machine Learning