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Introduction to Public Relations Writing (Internet Mode)

Course No. : 223-850207-13|Start Date : 21/11/2022


CUSCS Instructor

Language Used


Total Hours

13.00 week(s)





Start Date

November 21, 2022

Tuition Fee

HK$ 1,090.00


General Short Courses

Course Enquiries

2209 02262603 6565[JavaScript encoded]

Enrolment Enquiries

2209 0290

Closing Date for Application


Mode of Delivery: Distance Learning

This course will NOT provide live sessions. Students will learn through written course materials in distance learning mode.

Course materials include: 'Course Guide', 'Course Notes', 'Course Assignments' and 'Study Schedule'.


Over the past decade, social media and technology have made public relations an essential practice for businesses as consumers can readily access information and share their experience with a brand’s product or service at their fingertips.

According to the Public Relations Society of America, public relations can be defined as “a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organisations and their publics”. When used correctly, the process can be a powerful tool that helps raise a brand’s credibility, enhance exposure and generate positive reputation that boosts sales. Vice versa, bad publicity can damage a company’s image and turn customers away. How can companies refrain from falling into the latter?

A cutting-edge communication strategy might do the trick, but the gist lies in the message – the written and spoken words on a page or screen, conveyed by a company to media, the general public, shareholders, employees, contractors, etc. Therefore, public relations professionals at all levels must possess solid writing skills to survive and excel in the field.

Course Outline

1. Elements of Public Relations Writing
- The Public Relations Writer
- Identifying the Target Audiences
- PR vs. Journalistic Writing
- Common Pitfalls in Public Relations Writing

2. Nuts and Bolts of Writing Effective Public Relations Plans, Releases and Materials for Campaigns and Events
- Integrated Communication Plan
- Press Invitation
- Press Kit
- Backgrounder
- Factsheet
- Press Release
- Event Brief
- Media Q&As
- Speeches
- Editorials
- Social media