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Certificate Programme in Workplace English and Communication (Intermediate)
職場英語及溝通證書課程 (中級)

Course No. : 223-392800-01|Start Date : 06/09/2022

Admission Requirements

(1) Completion of secondary education, or equivalent; or
(2) Aged 21 or above


CUSCS Instructor

Language Used



Please refer to (4) Schedule below

Start Date

Please refer to (4) Schedule below

Application Fee


Tuition Fee

Please refer to (4) Schedule below


Certificate programmes

QF Level


QR Registration No.


QR Registration Validity Period

07/12/2016 - Ongoing

Course Enquiries

3111725331100611[JavaScript encoded]

Enrolment Enquiries

2209 0290



This programme aims at equipping participants with better English language and general communication skills for performing effectively in the workplace. On one hand, participants can develop core English skills to express themselves more professionally and clearly at work. On the other hand, they can put their English skills in use in conjunction with the concepts and principles they learn from theories in communication and psychology.


There are 4 modules in the programme:
Code Title Hour Session
359106 English Grammar Workshop 20 hours 10 sessions
389104 Practical Written Communication for Business 30 hours 12 sessions
390137 Interpersonal Communication and the Self 20 hours 8 sessions
390138 Making Social Psychology Work in Communication 20 hours 8 sessions


359106 English Grammar Workshop
This course will cover grammar topics or items that participants find difficult to use at work or in different communicative settings.

Students are required to bring in real-life language samples for discussion and practice.

Topics include:
1) Synonyms and confusing words; 2) Phrasal verbs; 3) Modal expressions; 4) Inversion and other structures for emphasis; 5) Present/past participles as adjectives; and 6) Formal vs informal expressions

389104 Practical Written Communication for Business
This course will provide participants with an opportunity to analyze and review common grammatical errors found in Hong Kong business writings.

An overview of common types of business correspondence will be covered such as emails, memos, different types of letters, agendas and minutes.

Common formats used for correspondence will be examined and discussed and the notion of tone and style will be introduced.

390137 Interpersonal Communication and the Self
One of the most powerful tools we possess is our ability to communicate and build human relationship in an increasingly diverse society.

The ability to build effective communication skills includes valuing diversity and difference and promoting equity and inclusion. Effective interpersonal skills require the ability to engage in reflective practice to acquire an insightful and meaningful understanding of the development of self-concept and its influence on the communication processes.

The main objective of this course is to enhance the student's communication skills with diverse communities by first developing a better understanding of who they are and the impact that society has had in the development of their self-concept.

The focus is for students to become aware of their present ways of communicating (behaviourally and cognitively) by examining the cognitive activities that shape communication, and addressing issues of stereotyping, power, ethnocentrism, diversity, and self-esteem.

Topics include:
(1) Communication and the Self; (2) Perception; (3) Thinking, Feeling and Acting; (4) Defensiveness; (5) Managing Conflict; (6) Team Role Theory.

390138 Making Social Psychology Work in Communication
Applied social psychologists examine how social dynamics affects such variables as relationships, organizational systems, personal well-being, and community and group behavior. This course aims to enhance students' understanding of various topics in social psychology by demonstrating their practical and applied uses in various work-based scenarios that involve networking, group processes, organizational behavior, self-development, and job satisfaction.

Topics include:
(1) Background and Key Social Psychology Theories;
(2) Work Motivation and Attitudes;
(3) Stress and Well-being at Work
(4) Training and Development;
(5) Job Satisfaction and Organizational-Industrial Psychology;
(6) Leadership;
(7) Group Process and Work Teams.


Normally students will take 1 to 2 module(s) in each School Term* in order to complete the whole Certificate programme within 12 months.
On the other hand, you may also plan your own study pace as long as you can complete the entire programme within 30 months (starting from the commencement date of the first module you studied).
There are 3 School Terms every year: March Term, July Term and October Term.


To qualify for the award of Certificate in Workplace English and Communication (Intermediate), students are required to:
(1) have an attendance rate of 70% or above in each module; and
(2) have passed the assessments of each module.


All applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

(a) For new applicants:
(1) Apply for the certificate programme:

- Fill in the Enrollment Form for Certificate and Diploma / Professional Proogrammes
Programme Code Programme Title
193-392800-01 (Please tick “Full Programme”)
Certificate Programme in Workplace English and Communication (Intermediate)

- Indicate your payment method for the application fee $150 in Part B (non-refundable)

(2) Choose one or two module(s) to study in the first term:

- Fill in another Enrollment Form for Certificate and Diploma / Professional Proogrammes with your name and the module information only.
For example, you would like to study “Interpersonal Communication and the Self,”
Programme Code Programme Title
390137 (Please tick “Individual Subjects”)
Interpersonal Communication and the Self

- Indicate your payment method for the tuition fee of this module in Part B

- Use a separate form for each module.

(3) Send the above forms with your supporting documents for admissions requirements to:
Languages Programme Team, 1/F, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong.

The school will notify the applicants of the results by mail.

(b) For current students who would like to enroll in the next module(s):

Please fill in the application form following the instructions in (a)(2) (you need not fill in Part C if no updates) and send to:
Languages Programme Team, 1/F, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong.

Or enroll it online: please select the module you wish to apply for and click on “Online Enrolment” on the course information page. (For existing students only)

The school will notify you the progress by email.

CEF Information

1. CEF Reimbursable Course Information
This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 3).

CEF Reimbursable Course Title: Certificate Programme in Workplace English and Communication (Intermediate)
CEF Reimbursable Course Code: 24C098785

Note: only eligible applicant who has successful completed the entire programme can apply for reimbursement of course fees. Students who have completed only some of the modules are NOT eligible for the application for reimbursement.

2. Benchmark Test Requirements
Speaking 120 and Writing 120 in TOEIC (For programmes commenced on or after 15 August 2019 )
Level 2 in BULATS Standard (For programmes commenced from 1 July 2017 to 14 August 2019)
Pass in BEC Preliminary (For programmes commenced before 1 July 2017)

Applicant should submit the claim for reimbursement of the benchmark test fees with the claim for the tuition fee of the Certificate Programme in Workplace English and Communication (Intermediate).

For other details about benchmark tests, please refer to CEF website

3. Application and Reimbursement Procedures
Please refer to Information on Continuing Education Fund (CEF)