Special Notice

On entering the Learning Centres of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSCS), all students and visitors are required to:


  1. Scan the LeaveHomeSafe venue QR code using the LeaveHomeSafe mobile app;
  2. Present their Vaccine Pass to show they have complied with the vaccination requirements.


You are also required to (i) Wear a face mask; (ii) Perform temperature screening, and; (iii) Use hand sanitizer. If you have a fever, feel unwell or are undergoing compulsory testing without proof of a negative nucleic acid test result, please refrain from coming to the Learning Centres. Thank you for your co-operation.

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Press Release

CUSCS extends the Benefit Scheme for University of Toronto Alumni

14 SEP 2017





為推動與鼓勵終身學習,香港中文大學專業進修學院(CUSCS)「多倫多大學校友優惠計劃」延續兩年至2019年8月。多倫多大學校友可免費報讀CUSCS一個學費為港幣 3,000元或以下之課程。




根據計劃,多倫多大學2009-10至2016-17學年畢業的本科或研究院校友,可免費報讀CUSCS一個學費為港幣 3,000元或以下的課程*;香港中文大學本科或研究院校友,亦可免費報讀多倫多大學進修學院(School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto)一個學費為500加元或以下的課程。


*有關計劃適用於CUSCS短期課程或證書及文憑╱專業課程,不適用於報讀持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程及此等課程之組成單元、全球職涯發展師(GCDF)專業認證課程、網上及遙距課程、全日制課程,以及本院與本地、海外及國內機構或大學合辦之課程。請按此了解詳情,查詢請致電2209 0290、電郵至scs-enrol@cuhk.edu.hk

