Special Notice

On entering the Learning Centres of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSCS), all students and visitors are required to:


  1. Scan the LeaveHomeSafe venue QR code using the LeaveHomeSafe mobile app;
  2. Present their Vaccine Pass to show they have complied with the vaccination requirements.


You are also required to (i) Wear a face mask; (ii) Perform temperature screening, and; (iii) Use hand sanitizer. If you have a fever, feel unwell or are undergoing compulsory testing without proof of a negative nucleic acid test result, please refrain from coming to the Learning Centres. Thank you for your co-operation.

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Press Release

CUSCS to organise online information talk and parents talk on 17 July

08 JUL 2021


香港中文大學專業進修學院7月17日舉行網上課程講座 / 家長講座
助學生策劃升學部署 家長成子女「放榜神隊友」


香港中學文憑考試放榜在即,為協助應屆文憑試考生及學生家長為升學出路作最後部署,香港中文大學專業進修學院(CUSCS)於7月17日(星期六)上午11時舉行「家長講座:放榜神隊友」及下午2時CU ZOOM「高級文憑 / 基礎教育文憑課程講座」。前者由學院學生輔導主任透過第一身經驗,幫助家長成爲子女放榜的「神隊友」,與子女同行放榜路;後者介紹學院開辦的15項高級文憑課程及基礎教育文憑課程的內容、特色、實習安排等。歡迎文憑試考生、毅進文憑同學、老師、家長,以及有興趣人士參加。


上午11:00至中午12:00 家長講座:放榜神隊友


下午2:00至3:00 高級文憑/基礎教育文憑課程講座

講者:學院課程總監 (全日制課程) 鄭嘉懿女士


網上講座詳情及登記參加,請瀏覽「升學資訊 All-in-One」平台 (www.cuscs.hk/afterdse)。



