Special Notice

On entering the Learning Centres of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSCS), all students and visitors are required to:


  1. Scan the LeaveHomeSafe venue QR code using the LeaveHomeSafe mobile app;
  2. Present their Vaccine Pass to show they have complied with the vaccination requirements.


You are also required to (i) Wear a face mask; (ii) Perform temperature screening, and; (iii) Use hand sanitizer. If you have a fever, feel unwell or are undergoing compulsory testing without proof of a negative nucleic acid test result, please refrain from coming to the Learning Centres. Thank you for your co-operation.

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Press Release

CUSCS to hold Diploma Programme in Chinese Calligraphy Graduation Exhibition

07 MAY 2021







開幕禮日期及時間: 5月9日 (星期日):下午4時
展覽日期及時間: 5月9日 (星期日):下午3時至下午7時
5月10及11日 (星期一及二):上午10時至下午7時
5月12日 (星期三):上午10時至下午6時
地點: 香港大會堂高座展覽館


學院開辦中國書法課程歷史悠久。中國書法文憑課程為學員提供有系統的書法訓練,課程教授篆書、隸書、楷書、行書、草書等不同書體,亦會介紹篆刻的製作,以及中國書法的發展史,加深學員對中國傳統文化的了解。課程查詢,請致電2209 7750或電郵至 scs-art@cuhk.edu.hk, 或瀏覽學院網址 www.cuscs.hk


篆書中堂 唐 劉禹錫《陋室銘》

隸書 屏條 節錄《易林》句

行草書 唐 孟雲卿《寒食》
