2019/21 Cohort (for 2021/23 Cohort's reference only)
The College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong – 10 points
Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists – 15 passive points
The Hong Kong College of Community Medicine – 10 Cat. PP points
Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine - 10 Cat. B CME points
Hong Kong College of Paediatricians – 10 Cat. E (active) points
Hong Kong College of Physicians - 20.5 points
Hong Kong College of Radiologists – 30 Cat. B points
Hong Kong Dietitians Association – 1 core and 9 non-core CDE points
Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association – 182 Cat. 2C CPD points
Hong Kong Podiatrists Association – 20 CPD points
International Podiatrists Association of Hong Kong – 30 CPD points
Medical Laboratory Technologists Board – 12 CPD points
Pharmacy Central Continuing Education Committee – 20 CEU points
Radiographers Board - 9 CPD points
The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong – 18 CME points
The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians – 100 Cat. 5.4 CME points; pass exam: 10 Cat. 3.14 CPD points
The Hong Kong College of Obstertricians and Gynaecologists – 5 non-O&G CME points per year
The Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists – 10 Cat 2.2 CME points
The Hong Kong College of Pathologists – 30 points (PP Category)
The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists – 10 Cat. OT/PG points
The Medical Council of Hong Kong CME Programme (non-specialists) – 83 active points and 99 receptive points
The Nethersole School of Nursing, CUHK – 148.5 CNE points