
March 25, 2017


2017.03.25-26, 11:00am – 5:30pm


Lecture Theatre 8, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK

網頁及報名Website and Registration



With the increase of the aging population in Hong Kong and many parts of the world, much attention has been paid to the social welfare and the physical well-being of senior citizens. In 2017, the annual forum on community arts of CUHK focuses on the artistic endeavor of senior citizens, not as a social welfare, but as valuable cultural potential to be valued and explored. Emphasis is given to identifying their cultural strength and potential, such as a sense of history and the accumulation of experiences, for the cultivation of a distinctive arts form with vocabularies that has not been formally recognized as art.

嘉賓講者Guest Speakers

鄭嬋琦Grace Cheng (藝術在醫院總監Director of Art in Hospital)

江倩瑩Kitty Kong (中英劇團教育及外展經理Manager of Education and Outreach Department, Chung Ying Theatre Company)

劉婉珍 Liu Wan-Chen (台灣國立臺南藝術大學博物館學與古物維護研究所教授Professor of Graduate Institute of Conservation of Cultural Relics and Museology, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan)

保羅・馬格拉夫Paul Margrave (藝術經理、社群劇場工作者Arts Manager & Community-based Theatre Practitioner)

鄧光宇Alan Tang  (信義男爵樂團計劃總監 Project Director of Men in Jazz)

連家駿 Lin Ka Chun (信義男爵樂團樂團經理 Orchestra Manager of Men in Jazz)

渡辺弘 Hiroshi Watanabe (日本彩之國埼玉藝術劇院執行監製Executive Producer, Saitama Arts Theater, Japan)

請川幸子Sachiko Ukegawa (日本彩之國埼玉藝術劇院製作部經理Section Chief, Production Department, Saitama Arts Theater, Japan)

俞若玫Cally Yu(本地作家、銀青乒乓創辦人A local writer and the founder of Grey and Green Ping Pong)



Co-organized by MA in Cultural Management and the Centre for Cultural Studies, CUHK


Sponsored by Faculty of Arts, CUHK