Dr. Christopher Patterson has been invited to speak at Association for Asian American Studies 2016 Conference in Miami, Florida, USA from 28 to 30 April 2016. Dr. Patterson presented a paper entitled : “Defaulting on Sisterhood: Filipina Domestic Workers in the Plural” in the panel of “The Subject(s) of Human…
胡嘉明教授與黃宗儀教授獲邀出席於2016年3月12日假台灣中興大學舉行的文化研究學會年會「跨/界:再訪文化研究的方法與實踐」。胡嘉明教授與黃宗儀教授於「圓桌論壇:跨界的文化研究教學現場:香港案例分享」發言,分享教學經驗;胡教授談「旅遊的教與學:立足本土香港社會」,黃教授論「 空間的文化研究教學:(後)雨傘運動的教學現場觀察」,兩位老師反思在地的文化研究教學方法。關於會議資訊,請瀏覽http://emjccs.wix.com/2016csatw。
Dr. Christopher Patterson has been invited to speak at the 2016 National Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association Conference from 22nd to 25th March 2016 in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Patterson will present a paper entitled “Heroes of the Open World: Killing as Militouristic Pleasure in Ubisoft’s Far Cry Series”…
Dr. Christopher Patterson has been invited by English Society of the University of Hong Kong to give a talk from 12:30nn to 2:00pm on 6 April 2016 at HKU campus. Dr. Patterson will share his research on Filipino Diasporic culture. For details, please visit https://www.facebook.com/HKU.English/ .
Prof. Lim Song Hwee has been invited by the Centre for China Studies to give a talk ‘Desiring Taiwan: “Little Freshness” as Soft Power’ at CUHK on 17 March 2016. Prof. Lim will explore a cultural term, “little freshness” (小清新), that has been coined to describe a variety of cultural…
文化研究學部博士生高俊傑為《明報》撰文〈中國的香港 香港的中國 大時代裏兩地的文學史書寫〉,報導2016年1月15日舉行的「重寫文學史」座談會,從重寫文學史談開去,談到文學與當下這個時代的關係,也談到中國與香港之間的關係。詳情請瀏覽http://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20160219/s00018/1455816709639。
Prof. Lim Song Hwee has been invited to act as a member of the steering committee of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK)-funded International Research Network on “Soft Power, Cinema and the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). The network will investigate the relationship between non-state actors in…
The Centre for Cultural Studies is pleased to welcome a new postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Christopher Patterson. Dr. Patterson’s research and teaching spans the breadth of cultural studies, including Asian diasporic literatures, Postcolonial and diaspora studies, digital humanities, queer and gender studies, critical theory, and video games. To date, his publications…