Talk: Taiwan as Method?: Hong Kong’s Emerging Geopolitical Narratives of Emotion

October 25, 2016

Talk: Taiwan as Method?: Hong Kong’s Emerging Geopolitical Narratives of Emotion

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Date: 25 October 2016 (Tuesday)

Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Venue: G24, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK

Speaker: Prof. Tsung-Yi Michelle Huang (National Taiwan University)

Chair: Prof. Pang Laikwan (CUHK)




Over recent years in Hong Kong there has been an increasing fascination with Taiwan–often colloquially referred to as “Taiwan fever” (hatai)–which has led to an influx of Hong Kong immigrants, students, and tourists to Taiwan. Tips on how to migrate to Taiwan abound on social media pages; manuals and guidebooks on moving to, living and working in Taiwan have occupied top positions on bestseller list. Travel programs on Taiwan and stories of Hong Kong immigrants in Taiwan have also come into vogue in the television world. Almost overnight, Taiwan seems to become a new land of opportunity for Hong Kong citizens. This project seeks to contextualize Hong Kong’s new found love for Taiwan, arguing how these emerging Taiwan narratives are not only effects of the geopolitical relationships between Hong Kong, Taiwan and China but are also a shorthand for the people of Hong Kong to express affection for their home city as well as discontent towards developments after the transfer of sovereignty to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1997, which drastically changed the everyday experience of the people of Hong Kong and the city’s landscape.


Prof. Tsung-Yi Michelle Huang is currently an Associate Professor of Geography at National Taiwan University. Her works on cinema, literature, cultural studies, and global cities have been published in the Quarterly Review of Film and Video; Journal of Narrative Theory; Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies; Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies; and, Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies, among others. In 2004 her book Walking Between Slums and Skyscrapers: Illusions of Open Space in Hong Kong, Tokyo and Shanghai was published by Hong Kong University Press. She received an Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators in 2005. Her research interests include biopolitics and cultural governance, emerging social subject, cultural identity, social/cultural text and discourse analysis.


Conducted in English. All are welcome. Registration is required by 21 October 2016.