In Memory of Prof. LI Duan – Friends Messages

In Memory of Prof. LI Duan – Friends’ Messages

In Memory of Prof. Li Duan


Comments · 48

  1. Professor Li is a huge professor, great teacher and true scholar. His passing is a huge loss to all of us and the world of science. To me, as a student, Professor Li is always the best professor, advisor and teacher in the world. He will always be missed and his teaching is always in my heart. May Professor Li rest in peace.

    Best Regards,
    jason choi 

    • With utmost admiration, respect and sadness, the colleagues of Professor Li at the University of Virginia, USA, send condolences to the Li family, to Professor Li’s many distinguished students, and to Professor Li’s eminent colleagues at the Department of SEEM at CUHK. Professor Li served on the faculty of UVA, including as Associate Director of the Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems, in 1987 to 1994.

      James H. Lambert,
      Department of Engineering Systems & Environment, University of Virginia, USA

      • 李端教授是动态多周期mean-variance领域的开拓者引领者。特别,他带领我们长达11年的不懈努力彻底解决Harry Markowitz教授所关心的mean-variance带卖空约束解在多周期框架下的猜想。50多天前我们还在海边讨论这一领域的最新进展,10天前还在听他的学术报告…… 李端教授是我永远的榜样,深深地怀念他。

        • Professor Li Duan is our old and beloved friend for more than 30 years. We are deeply saddened by his untimely death, and hereby extend our deepest condolences to his wife, Ms. Lu Xiuying and his family!
          李端教授是我们30多年的挚爱之友。 我们对他过早的去世深感悲伤,特此向他的妻子陆秀英女士及其家人致以最深切的慰问!

          • Affiliations: Retired NIH Biologist (JZY) and FDA Senior Clinical Reviewer (GDF), Rockville, MD 20855 USA
        • Professor Duan Li is our old and beloved friend for more than 30 years. We are deeply saddened by his untimely death, and hereby extend our deepest condolences to his wife, Ms. Lu Xiuying and his family!
          李端教授是我们30多年的挚爱之友。 我们对他过早的去世深感悲伤,特此向他的妻子鲁秀英女士及其家人致以最深切的慰问!
          Joanne Z. Yu and Guodong Fang
          Retired NIH Biologist (JZY) and FDA Senior Clinical Reviewer (GDF)
          Rockville, MD 20855

          • I was shocked and saddened to learn about Duan’s sudden death on Monday evening. I had already known that Li Duan was sick and I wished him the best with his treatment. I thought the worst part was over because I was informed that he had responded well to surgery and chemotherapy, and that he had returned to work.

            Duan joined Chinese University in 1994 and City University in 2017. I am lucky to have been good colleagues with him in both institutions and as a close family friend. Duan was known for his rigorous scholarships, broad knowledge, and exemplary achievements in many fields. Duan’s conscience was a model of our time. Duan was a modest gentleman to his friends and colleagues, and Duan’s care to his family was unparalleled as a husband and father.

            I feel lucky and proud to have been friends and colleagues with Duan.

            • Affiliations: City University of Hong Kong
          • It came so sudden and shocked to know that Professor Li Duan has left us, as we still saw his messages in our WeChat group not long ago. Professor Li is a smart, visionary, rigorous and creative scholar. It is my deepest honor to be his PhD student and this has changed my life and career. Professor Li cares about his students and continues to support us even after our graduation. Your sincere smiling face, sense of humor and serious are all beard in my mind. You are always my role model as a scholar and a human being. May Professor Li rest in peace.

            Mei Choi CHIU

            • Affiliations: Education University of Hong Kong
          • 能成为李老师的学生是非常非常幸运的事情

            • I was shocked with the sad news. Professor Li is an exceptional scholar, a great friend, and an affable elder brother, with whom I always felt comfortable. Remember the time in Hong Kong and Hangzhou, forever.

              With deep sympathy,
              Guochuan Zhang
              Zhejiang University

              • 太突然了,端叔真的是好教授,学术造诣高,为人和蔼负责。

                • 李端教授是我极为敬重的好老师。为人谦逊和蔼,学术造诣非常高。在我最困难的时候,给予我很大的鼓励和支持。当时的鼓励,学生一直铭记在心。李老师的逝去,对我们是非常大的打击。


                  • Affiliations: 香港理工大学
                • It was a shocking and saddening news. It has been a privilege and honour to have spent some time with Prof. Li at CityU.

                  • Affiliations: City University of Hong Kong
                • 周一收到group的信息,得知李老师弥留,傍晚已离世,实在让人难以接受。这两天每每想起李老师,悲伤止不住涌上心头。在学术和工作上,李老师总是兢兢业业、严于律己、宽以待人。非常感恩李老师,在人生漫漫旅途上,有幸得到这么好的导师,实乃我们后辈的福气。仰之弥高,钻之弥坚,老师音容宛在,多么想还有机会再聆听老师的教导。愿老师安息,学生永远怀念您。

                  • Affiliations: The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)
                • Professor Li Duan is my close friend and school fellow of SJTU , our pure friendship keeps more than 30 years. I am shocked and saddened very much by his sudden passing. My wife and I send the deepest condolences to his wife Ms. Lu Xiuying and his family!

                  Zhichu FANG, PhD
                  Emeritus Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)

                  • Affiliations: Emeritus Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)
                • I am saddened that Prof. Li has bid farewell to us in our journey through life. He and I were still chatting last month and I was under the impression that he was recovering well. Maybe he already knew what was going to happen. He chose to keep it to himself and calmly accepted the fate ahead. He just wanted to spend his last days like every other day in life.

                  Prof. Li is a partner and a friend. He is someone with an open mind to new ideas and someone with a strong drive to support young people to pursue the next evolution. I am thankful for his support and encouragement along the way. It is a privilege to work with him on many meaningful initiatives.

                  I am grateful that Prof. Li and I have crossed our paths in life and shared a memorable time. Wherever he is now, I hope that he stays happy and strong. We will continue to live up to his pursuit as the beacon he has kindled continue to light our way ahead.

                  Edward Du

                  • Affiliations: Blockchain Research Institute
                • Prof. Duan Li and Xiao-Ling Sun’s tutorials and books on non-linear integer programming led me into the area of discrete optimization, although I did my Ph.D. at HKUST and never had the chance to meet these two great researchers in person. I knew that Prof. Xiao-Ling Sun passed away a few years ago, coincidentally also after a long fight against cancer. Prof. Duan Li was a very kind guy, who established a scholarship named after Prof. Sun, to sponsor the high school students in Prof. Sun’s hometown in Jiangxi to proceed with their post-secondary education. I can feel that both professors were not only outstanding researchers, but also kind people, dedicated to helping everyone and contributing to the society.

                  • Affiliations: HKUST
                • Deeply saddened by this loss of a dear colleague. His brilliance and kindness touched many lives. A true gentleman scholar. He is will sorely missed. Heart-felt condolences to his family.

                  • Affiliations: The University of Macau
                • This is really a sad news. Prof. Li Duan was a very decent person and respectable scholar…

                  • Affiliations: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CUHK
                • Professor Duan Li was a great, highly respected, and humble scholar. I had the honor to learn from him in a postgraduate course and on other occasions at CUHK SEEM. He was always diligent and passionate about research. While I was not in his research group, he often offered me helpful advice on my study and career. He was a role model young researchers could learn from. May Professor Li rest in peace.

                  • Affiliations: The University of Hong Kong
                • I am really shocked by this sad news of Prof. Li, a very kind professor with many outstanding contributions.
                  With my heartfelt condolences, may Prof. Li’s soul rest in peace.

                  • Professor Li Duan is a great scholar, professor and leader. He is our role model. I always remember his warm smile and kind encouragement. We will miss him deeply. May Professor Li Duan rest in peace.

                    • Affiliations: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
                  • I was shocked and deeply saddened by this loss of a gentleman scholar. Memories of vivid and warm scenes of our meeting with him and his son in England a few years ago sprang to mind. Duan will be sorely missed with his brilliance and kindness. My heart-felt condolences goes to his family.

                    • Affiliations: University of Warwick
                  • I had the privilege of being Prof. Li Duan’s colleague at the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 2007-2009. I have always had the utmost respect for him not only for his outstanding scholarly accomplishments and intelligence but also for his humble, calm, caring, and positive attitude. He was such a kind person and truly a great role model. I send my sincere condolences to his family. He will certainly be missed.

                    • Affiliations: Penn State University, Erie
                  • As a classmates in Shanghai Jiaotong University and one of my best friends,I know Li Duan and his family for forty years,His wisdom and humble are so impressive,he is a great father,loves and cares his family so much,I was shocked and saddened by his sudden death,We will miss him deeply,May him rest in peace.

                    • I couldn’t stop my tears running out when I heard the news. You were so kind, the truly gentleman. I always remember your words. Like three years ago I wrote to you “wish you all the best no matter where you are. Thank you Professor Li”. Rest in peace.

                      My deepest condolences to you and your family

                      • This is Tian Ni. I’m a student of Prof. Duan Li, a class of 2004 CUHK SEEM. I’m currently living in the Bay Area working for Facebook as a Data Scientist. I’m so heartbroken and sorry to hear Prof. Duan Li passed away from reading Prof. Janny’s post in INFORMS group email. I want to take my time to write this email to share my story here to memorize Prof. Li as a great teacher, wonderful mentor, a restless servant who cared for everybody around him.

                        I got admitted into CUHK for a Bachelor of Engineering in SEEM in 2004 as the 1st group of mainland students coming to Hong Kong for college from Sichuan Province. I still remember at that time there wasn’t even an admission office in Chengdu so I had to fly to Shanghai for the interview. Prof. Xiaoqiang Cai and then Chairman of SEEM Prof. Duan Li were interviewing me and my English was so shaky that I couldn’t even do a good opener to introduce myself. Prof. Li calmed me down and asked me to switch back to Chinese and told me that the interview was more about your character, your personal quality and your potential. I apparently had a miserable interview but I was trusted to get the offer which completely changed my life.

                        I was lucky with 15 fellow mainland students who got into CUHK SEEM in 2004. During the 4 years of college life, Prof. Duan Li led and organized mainland students dinners each year and spent time with us to understand our life, our study, if we have any difficulties that he can help and support, like a mentor, like an elder, like a father. We got the privilege as mainland students to get assigned a Professor as our mentor to take care of us. Prof. K.P. Lam was my mentor and Prof. Shuzhong Zhang instructed my final year dissertation. When I was about to graduate, I wanted to continue my graduate study oversea. I need a third person to write me a recommendation letter besides Prof. K.P. Lam and Prof. Shuzhong Zhang. Prof. Duan Li was so generous and dedicated to provide me the support at the last minute and wrote me a strong recommendation which helped me realize my dream to continue my graduate study in the United States and eventually started my career at General Motors global R&D Operations Research lab and now Facebook.

                        I met Prof. Duan Li and Prof. Nan Chen last year during the INFORMS annual meeting in Seattle. Prof. Li was still like his old self, smiles, energetic, kind, asking my everything about my career, about my family, about my plans. I was joking with him if he’s still wearing the long socks up to his knees to play Ping Pong with his students. That’s probably the biggest pressure that Prof. Li ever put on his students. He was laughing and asked me if that’s the only memory I had with him in SEEM. Certainly much more than that and that’s why I wanted to share it here and I believe it’s not only representing my personal experience but should represent all the mainland students and everybody who interacted with Prof. Li before.

                        Hope you Rest In Peace Prof. Li. Your spirit will forever inspire us!

                        Best Wishes,

                        Tian Ni
                        Class of 2004 CUHK SEEM

                        • It’s very sad to hear the news as Prof. Li Duan was a very respectful colleague to all of us and had made many contributions to SEEM and CUHK.
                          He will be dearly missed.

                          My Condolences To his family.

                          • Affiliations: Emeritus Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Former Dean, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
                        • 回忆李端教授生前二三事


                          我第一次见到李端教授是在1990年元旦过后,我从美国俄亥俄州莱特州立大学转学到得克萨斯州立大学,途中经过维吉尼亚夏洛特维尔市就去看望李端一家,顺便想参观著名的弗吉尼亚大学。那时李端在该校系统工程系任副教授。我搭乘的灰狗巴士因晚点到达夏市已是半夜。车外寒风凛冽,刚下车就看到李端教授风度翩翩站在候车厅向我招手, 心里一阵温暖。我们上车后聊了些白天的大风雪,李端教授注视着冰雪茫茫的山路, 非常专注的开车。突然车在一个下坡路上打滑,转了360度后冲向路边的悬涯,一瞬间却又稳稳得停在了路边,人车丝毫无损。继续开车到家后,李瑞教授第一时间同他太太讲了路上险情,解释了他当时怎样及时稳妥的刹车。我那时还不会开车,听说后才意识到问题的严重性,心中不禁暗自庆幸和佩服李端教授的高超车技。第二天李端教授在很忙的工作中,抽空陪我参观了弗吉尼亚大学的工程学院并会见了研究生学生顾问,最后又送我到灰狗车站,开启了我的近三十年在得克萨斯州的学习和生活之路。





                          • The first word I heard from Professor Li was “I am a control guy.” during an interview.

                              1. I am saddened by the sudden passing of Prof. Li Duan. Prof. Li and I served in the various committees in the Faculty of Engineering, CUHK. His integrity, sense of fair play, and righteousness was well respected by all. This is great loss to the academic community in Hong Kong. He will be sorely missed. My sincerest condolences to his family.

                                • Affiliations: Emeritus Professor, Electronic Engineering Department, CUHK
                            • 一周前我在惠州听到您去世的消息,近在咫尺,竟然无法到香港去探望,去年12月29日在山东莒南的见面竟然成了永别,还说好2020年去香港访问(未能成行)。

                              • Affiliations: 青岛大学
                            • 《临江仙》哭李端



                              • Affiliations: Senior Research Fellow (retired), Logistics Management Institute
                            • It is very sad to know this.
                              Prof Li, thank you very much for your help in the past few years. You will be missed. May you rest in peace.

                              • 作为李老师最后的一批学生之一,我仅分享一些故事,表达对老师的崇敬与怀念。

                                • Affiliations: City University of Hong Kong
                              • It is my sincerest sympathy for this terrible loss. I will always remember Prof Li’s generous help in my works and studies in the past ten years.

                                • Affiliations: Worcester Polytechnic Institute
                              • In the memory of Professor Duan LI

                                Professor Duan Li and I met each other when he joined Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1995. His office was right next to mine in Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building. I remember that Duan walked into my office on his first day of work to convey his courteous greeting. His friendly smile marked the beginning of 26 years of friendship and scholarship.

                                Duan is an expert in financial engineering, optimization, and systems engineering. His seminal work in non-convex optimization, multi-objective optimization, and integer optimization shaped the development of research in these fields. Particularly, his research into multi-period dynamic mean-variance portfolio optimization led into fundamental impact in return and risk analysis. Duan’s contributions to FinTech were not limited within the realm of academia. In the City University of Hong Kong where he was Associate Provost in Strategic Planning, he played a pivotal role in the formation of AI Powered Financial Technologies Limited. The mission of the company is to promote the development of Financial Technologies in Hong Kong.

                                Duan was very gentle to his family, friends, colleagues, and students except not so much so while he was playing table-tennis against you. His killer instinct did not let him yield a point and his soft smile hid his elusive move. Standing against him across the table made you scare of what he was going to do next. Before you changed your strategy to deal with his attack, your game was over.

                                Duan was a beloved husband, a kind father, an inspiring teacher, a great scholar, and a dependable friend. We are deeply saddened by his departure, but we will remember him for his friendship and scholarship.

                                C.H. Cheng
                                November 25, 2020

                                • 听到我们亲爱的朋友李端的噩耗,我和我的妻子都感到震惊和悲痛。李端是我们那一代留学生中的佼佼者,是我们留美学子的楷模,是很多UVA学生学者的良师益友。我是在弗吉尼亚大学读博期间认识李端的,他那时已是系统工程系的副教授,但他毫无架子,十分平易近人。他太太鲁秀英也是非常的贤慧,我们两家常有往来。我毕业那年,因为经济不景气工作不好找,李端夫妇得知我找到了工作,非常为我高兴,摆了一桌子菜为我们饯行,那晚的欢乐情景至今历历在目。后来李端去了香港中文大学,我们虽互通过几次信,但还是逐渐失去了联系。几年前有一次我去参加运筹和管理学年会(INFORMS),在与会者名单中看到李端的名字,心想这下可以续上联系了,但可惜那次李端并未成行,虽觉遗憾,但认定下次一定有机会。不曾想,这次却天人永隔,再无缘相见了,不胜悲哀!祝李端一路走好,在九泉之下安息吧!亦望李端家人节哀顺便,保重身体,上苍定会佑护你们积善之家的!

                                  • Affiliations: National Board of Medical Examiners
                                • 回忆李端教授

                                  • Affiliations: 上海证券交易所
                                • 尽管已过了半月有余,还是不愿相信李老师就这么走了,走的匆匆忙忙!每当想起李老师,他那亲切轻松的音容笑貌就活生生的浮现在眼前!还以为他会永远年轻!更难忘我们一起在悉尼渡过的美好时光和听他讲第一次尝试吃袋鼠肉的感受。愿他在匆忙的一生之后静静地安息吧!

                                  • Affiliations: University of Technology Sydney
                                • 尊敬的香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理系,




                                  • 刚知道有这个网站。写上几句以示我对李端的垂念。
                                    听到李端驾鹤西去,深感震惊和悲痛。这消息太突然了。我都不敢相信, 也不愿意相信。
                                    我得送他回他住的酒店, 我再回家,他说这样来回二次, 我会太累,
                                    现在我们虽然天人永隔, 但李端的音容笑貌,依然历历在目。

                                    • I am not in the same department as Prof. Li Duan, also did not have a chance of working with him side by side. During 2011-2014, I got to see him (then the Chairman of SEEM Department) on regular basis in the faculty’s executive committee meetings. He did not speak a lot in meetings. Every time he spoke out, I heard deep thoughts and principles. There was one time that he came to say to me “you have done a good job” after a long meeting in which I had some debate with other colleagues. I was so touched and I know he really meant that.
                                      Our former Dean Prof. CP Wong kept confusing Li Duan and Li Dan (my name). It was my honour.
                                      Miss you Li Duan.

                                      • Affiliations: Department of Electronic Engineering, CUHK
                                    • 怀念李端教授


                                      11月15日那天晚餐时,孩子们忽然问起不知从哪里听来的“纳什均衡”,我脱口答道:“以后你们可以请教李教授,他可是这方面的专家!” 李教授还不知道,他成了我应对三个孩子问各种疑难问题的法宝。几个月前,当我告诉他们李教授上中学时自己用元器件组装电视看球赛,孩子们就认定李教授是真人版的超人Superman!说完这话,我心里不觉隐隐一沉,怎么好几天没看到李教授发朋友圈儿了?一想到前几天他还发照片为小儿子庆祝生日,我又放心了一点。



                                      有一次鲁阿姨清理家里的旧书,叫我去她家一趟,看看哪些书可以留给我家三兄弟看。我兴冲冲去了,一进家门,就看见地板上堆着一摞摞书。鲁阿姨说,这些书都是她家三个孩子看过的,本想处理掉,李教授提醒她可以送给我。我连声道谢,也不客气,坐在餐桌旁的椅子上,就开始一本一本地翻。我告诉阿姨好多书都用得着,真是太好啦! 我看得正起劲儿呢,李教授从里间走出来要出门。我有些不好意思,刚才光顾着看书拣书,顺手把书摊得到处都是,把门口堵上了。李教授跨过地板上的书本,很温和地说:“你慢慢挑,我去上班了。” 李教授和阿姨送给我们很多书,我用小拖车运了好几次才搬完。那本已绝版的大开本彩色韦氏字典,现在是我们全家学习英语的绝佳工具书。今年夏天,我和大儿子看得入迷的《Kite Runner》,也是在阿姨家淘的。




                                      除了在网上和李教授交流,以及那次不约而同的行山,平时我见他最多是在散步的路上。我们小区旁边有一片空地,本来是一个停车场,后来政府改建为公园。这个公园一修就是两三年,我们经常在公园工地外的小路上遇到李教授。我印象中,李教授散步时常穿一件深卡其色的外套,步子不急不徐,总是若有所思的样子。有时迎头遇上了,他会问:“你们散步啊!哟,老大怎么没来?” 有一次,我们在海边散完步往回走,转过公园工地的拐角,发现李教授走在前面。孩子们立刻冲上前去,围住他打招呼。其中叫宝宝的孩子问:“李教授,您是从唐朝来的吗?” 这个无厘头的问题让李教授“哦”了一声。宝宝解释说,他有一天翻《唐诗三百首》,有了一个重大发现,书上有位诗人的名字和李教授一模一样!李教授听了宝宝的傻话乐得哈哈大笑。

                                      现在公园快修好了,工地上的围栏和铁丝网也拆除了,里面有大片草地和各种健身设施。我和孩子们多想再看到李教授走在不远处默默思考的身影,想再和他一起散步聊天、在公园的转角处又一次偶遇!写这篇小文时,我努力回忆,发现其实我和李教授碰面交流的机会并不多。有一天清晨我们在电梯里碰到,好像当时李教授要去哪儿出差。我记得很清楚,出电梯时他对我说:“你的三个儿子都挺乖的,你要好好培养!” 李教授,您的话我一直记在心里呢!我记得您淡淡的微笑、温和的上海口音,以及您给我的帮助和鼓励。您安息吧,谢谢您!?

                                      • Professor LI Duan was so kind, and was a wonderful colleague at CUHK! He will be deeply missed. My sincerest condolences to his family.

                                        • Affiliations: Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK
                                      • I just heard the news today and am still in shock. When I first went to UVA Systems Engineering as a graduate student in 1990, I started to get to know him and his family. I looked up to him as a mentor and a good friend. He was a wise scholar and a kind person. He was witness to the me falling in love and getting married with my wife and was our honorable guest in the wedding. I last talked to Professor Li last October letting him know of my wife’s unfortunate passing due to an accident. I am so sad to hear that he’s passed, too but comforted somehow knowing that he has good company in Heaven. Rest in Peace.

                                        • Dr. Li Duan was a high level Pingpong player. We used to play Pingpong together in Charlottesville. VA. He will be truly missed!
                                          Please send my condolence to Dr. Li’s family

                                          • Affiliations: Sanofi Pharmaceuticals

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