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PG Student's Publication
Our PhD Candidate Li Jiawei published an article titled “Revealing ‘beauty’ in modern Chinese theatre: Max Reinhardt as an anti-Ibsenite emperor in Yu Shangyuan’s translation” in Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies.
This article offers a detailed analysis of Yu Shangyuan’s introduction of modern theatre director Max Reinhardt. Yu’s writings regarding Reinhardt, though often seen as originals, are actually rendered from four foreign works. Anchored by this observation, this article examines Yu’s translation and unveils that Yu purposely portrayed Reinhardt as an anti-Ibsenite theatre emperor to spread the gospel of a new conception of drama— drama should purport to afford aesthetic experience, or reveal “beauty,” as Yu termed it. This finding contributes towards the comprehensive understanding of Yu’s theatrical vision and sheds light on translation’s crucial role in modern Chinese theatre historiography.
The article: