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[14, Nov. 2020] 清初耶穌會索隱派教士對《易經》之翻譯與解讀
Prof. Sophie Ling-chia Wei from the Department of Translation, CUHK, delivered a keynote speech at ‘桂子山論壇’ hosted by School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, on 14 November 2020. The topic was “清初耶穌會索隱派教士對易經之翻譯與解讀”. In the talk, she introduced her new book, Chinese Theology and Translation: The Christianity of the Jesuit Figurists and Their Christianized Yijing, published by Routledge in 2019, and shared her recent research findings. Below is the gist of her speech:
「魏教授以清初在華索隱派法國耶穌會士(主要包括白晉、傅聖澤和馬若瑟)闡釋《易經》的中文著述為研究中心,運用文本細讀的方法,分析索隱教士如何深入研究漢字和中國古代典籍,在《易經》中尋找天主教神學要義並以解經的方式闡發。魏教授將這一過程稱作語內翻譯(intralingual translation)。她還分析了這些中文文稿裡透露出來,索隱派教士對耶穌與亞當形象的重寫:白晉將耶穌類比為具有忠孝順等儒家道德的聖人;傅聖澤藉由天象研究與易卦解釋亞當反叛上帝後的天象不均齊;馬若瑟則深受地方文人的影響,將中國文字拆解與聖經故事結合。這些索隱派教士的類比與詮釋,皆是配合身處朝廷、或地方文人圈的傳教策略,形成天主教神學與中國古代思想的對話。」