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WANG Qi (王琪)
Lecturer (Putonghua)
Telephone: 3943 5922
Office: LG11, Leung Kau Kui Building
Email: qi-wang@cuhk.edu.hk
College Affiliation: United College

Diploma in Business (Level 7), Linguis International Institute, New Zealand 2012
MA. in Linguistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 1999
Postgraduate Diploma in Archaeology (Chinese paleography), Peking University, China 1991
BA. in History, Nankai University, China 1986
Teaching Experience
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chinese Language Center 1994 - present
Selected Academic Writings And Research
The Double Edged Sword of Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Second Language. Selected paper presented at International Conference on Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching and Learning, organised by WASET, July 15-16, 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden
‘Chinese Tonal Training For Foreign Learners’ Better Communication’ Selection of Essays of Linguistics & Chinese Teaching as Foreign Language, The Commercial Press (H.K.) Ltd., Sep. 2018, pp174-181
‘Toward a Postmethod Teacher / Student of Chinese as a Foreign Language’ presented at 5th International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning (ICTEL), organized by GRDS, Lisbon, Spain, May 23-24, 2018
“Target Training on Chinese As a Tonal Language For Better Communication” presented at 19th Annual International Conference on Education organized by Athens Institute for Education and Research Human Development Research Division Research Unit of Education, Athens, Greece. May 2017.
“Learning Chinese Suprasegmentals for Better Communicative Performance” presented at Annual Multidisciplinary Conference on Education organized by International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Boston, USA, May 23-27, 2016.
Teaching and learning Chinese as Second Language for Communicative Performance, Selection of Essays of Linguistics & Chinese Teaching as Foreign Language The Commercial Press (H.K.) Ltd., Oct 2015, pp160-169
“The Effective Inputs and Outputs in Language learning” Selection of Essays of Linguistics & Chinese Teaching as Foreign Language The Commercial Press (H.K.) Ltd., May 2014, pp 276-285
“The Essential Skills’ Training in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language(L2) ------ Suprasegmentals, Stroke Order and Punctuations” presented at 16th Annual International Conference on Education organized by Athens Institute for Education and Research Human Development Research Division Research Unit of Education, Athens, Greece. May 2014
An Effective Way to Teach Chinese as a Second Language
Selection of Essays of Applying Intercultual Linguistic Competence to Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. In Proceeding Book of FLTAL 2013, pp2115-2125, International Bruch University Publications, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. May 2013 -
Mind Maps for Intermediate Putonghua II (Level 3, Visual teaching aids for internal use), April. 2013
Mind Maps for Basic Putonghua (Level 1, Visual teaching aids for internal use), (Wang HB, Huang Ying), Jan. 2013
Mind Maps for Intermediate Putonghua I (Level 2, Visual teaching aids for internal use), (Wang HB, Du Ying Zi), Jan. 2013
The Application of Mind-Map on Teaching "Speaking & Writing"
Selection of Essays of Linguistics & Chinese Teaching as Foreign Language
Hong Kong University Press, 2009 pp152-162 -
"Chinese Culture I"
Chinese Language Center, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, March 2007 -
"The application of Mind-Map on teaching Chinese as a foreign language"
Selection of Essays of ‘Bridging Cultures, Reaching Heights’ NZALT International Conference 2006 (In CD), The University of Auckland, New Zealand, July 2-5, 2006 -
"HSK Vocabulary Express" (Vol.2)
Peking University Press, June 2006 -
"HSK Vocabulary Express" (Vol.1)
Peking University Press, August 2005 -
"The application of Mind-Map on teaching News Media"
Selection of Essays of 2005 International Symposium Proceedings /Symposium theme: Operational Strategies and Pedagogy for Chinese Language Programs in the 21st Century, Taiwan, June 2005, pp130-134 -
"The application of Mind-Map on teaching Elementary Chinese as a foreign language" presented at The 13th Conference on Chinese Language Instructions organized by East Asian Studies Program, Princeton University, New Jersey, U.S.A., April 2005
"The Marked Loan Words in Modern Chinese"
Selection of Essays of the Seventh International Symposium of Teaching Chinese ,Vol. 3, World Chinese Language Association, Taiwan, December 2003, pp267-281 -
"Business Putonghua" (member of the compilation team)
Chinese Language Center, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, August, 2003 -
"Kung Fu" Elementary Putonghua Book I (member of the compilation team)
The Chinese University Press, 2002 -
"Discourse on Etiquettes and Cultural Principles"
刊於<語文論叢>第7輯,pp 217-223,上海教育出版社出版, April 2001 -
"Borrowings into Chinese Since 1980 and Their Effects on Syntax"
Selection of Essays of the Sixth International Symposium of Teaching Chinese : Language Analysis, World Chinese Language Association, Taiwan, December 2000, pp178-193 -
"Latinization on Modern Chinese"
The World of Chinese Language , No. 95,World Chinese Language Association, Taiwan, December 2000, pp56-62 -
"Borrowing into Chinese since 1979 and Its Influence on Modern Chinese"
Master’s thesis (1999), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong -
"A Survey of Commercial Terms Used in Mainland China and Taiwan"
Chinese Language Review, Hong Kong, No.57(October 1998) , pp26-33 -
"Kung Fu" Elementary Putonghua Book II (member of the compilation team)
Chinese Language Center, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, September 1998 -
"Comparative Studies of Chinese Usage: Mainland China and Taiwan"
Selection of Essays of the Fifth International Symposium of Teaching Chinese : Language Analysis, World Chinese Language Association, Taiwan, December 1997, pp423-435
Professional Service
Speaker of the Mandarin table jointly organized by the American Chamber of Commerce and the Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK (November 1999)
Speaker of the Annual Academic Speech of the Mandarin Society of Hong Kong (May 2005)
Presentations at numerous professional societies and universities
Consultant for RTHK(Radio Television Hong Kong) Putonghua Educational Programs (1995-1998)
Service to The Hong Kong Examination Authority as an assessor of the Mandarin Bench-Mark Proficiency Test (2004 - present)
HSK Test Administrator (Grade A & B), (2015 - present)
Professional Organizations
Member, Linguistics Society of Hong Kong (1999-2000)
Life Member, International Society for Chinese Language Teaching, Beijing, China